[Mew-dist 161] Re: encoded-word and space

Shuhei KOBAYASHI shuhei-k at example.com
1996年 11月 25日 (月) 20:19:05 JST

  こばやし@JAIST です。

>>>>> In <19961125191140X.goh at example.com>,
>>>>> TANAKA Goh <goh at example.com> wrote:
> impost-0.94 で
>   To: "田中剛" <goh at example.com>
> をエンコードすると
>   To: "=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCRURDZjlkGyhC?=" <goh at example.com>
> になりますが、draft-ietf-822ext-mime-hdrs-00.txt(RFC1522 と
> 変わっていないと思います)の

  ここで適用されるのは (3) の方です。

|    (3) As a replacement for a 'word' entity within a 'phrase', for example,
|        one that precedes an address in a From, To, or Cc header.  The ABNF
|        definition for 'phrase' from RFC 822 thus becomes:
|        phrase = 1*( encoded-word / word )
|        In this case the set of characters that may be used in a "Q"-encoded
|        'encoded-word' is restricted to: <upper and lower case ASCII
|        letters, decimal digits, "!", "*", "+", "-", "/", "=", and "_"
|        (underscore, ASCII 95.)>.  An 'encoded-word' that appears within a
|        'phrase' MUST be separated from any adjacent 'word', 'text' or
|        'special' by 'linear-white-space'.

  また、draft-ietf-822ext-mime-hdrs-00.txt では

|    These are the ONLY locations where an 'encoded-word' may appear.  In
|    particular:
|    + An 'encoded-word' MUST NOT appear within a 'quoted-string'.

というコメントが加わっていて、「"」を含めて encode しなければいけない

  ほかに impost について気付いた点ですが、

  To: Shuhei KOBAYASHI/小林 修平 が

| To: Shuhei KOBAYASHI/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCPi5OUxsoQg==?=
|  =?ISO-2022-JP?B?IBskQj0kSj8bKEI=?= <shuhei-k at example.com>
| X-Dispatcher: impost version 0.93+ (Nov. 23, 1996)

と encode されてしまいましたが、「KOBAYASHI」を含めて encode するのだ

小林 修平 / Shuhei KOBAYASHI / <shuhei-k at example.com>

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