[Mew-dist 162] Re: display application/octet-stream part

Shuhei KOBAYASHI shuhei-k at example.com
1996年 11月 25日 (月) 20:36:19 JST

  こばやし@JAIST です。

>>>>> In <9611250649.AA13040 at example.com>,
>>>>> 小関 吉則 (KOSEKI Yoshinori) <kose at example.com> wrote:
> 少し疑問なのですが、このような foo.bar.el.patch のような物は
> Text/Plain なのではないでしょうか?

  text/* か application/* かは、人が読むためのものか program で処理す
るためのものかで決まるのだと思います。実際問題として、.el (や .el.diff)
には EUC が含まれたり emacs-lisp の byte-code が含まれたりすることが

  draft-ietf-822ext-mime-imt-05.txt より:

| 5.  Overview Of The Initial Top-Level Media Types
| The five discrete top-level media types are:
|  (1)   text -- textual information.  The subtype "plain" in
|        particular indicates plain text containing no
|        formatting commands or directives of any sort. Plain
|        text is intended to be displayed "as-is". No special
|        software is required to get the full meaning of the
|        text, aside from support for the indicated character
|        set. Other subtypes are to be used for enriched text in
|        forms where application software may enhance the
|        appearance of the text, but such software must not be
|        required in order to get the general idea of the
|        content.  Possible subtypes of "text" thus include any
|        word processor format that can be read without
|        resorting to software that understands the format.  In
|        particular, formats that employ embeddded binary
|        formatting information are not considered directly
|        readable. A very simple and portable subtype,
|        "richtext", was defined in RFC 1341, with a further
|        revision in RFC 1896 under the name "enriched".
|  (5)   application -- some other kind of data, typically
|        either uninterpreted binary data or information to be
|        processed by an application.  The subtype "octet-
|        stream" is to be used in the case of uninterpreted
|        binary data, in which case the simplest recommended
|        action is to offer to write the information into a file
|        for the user.  The "PostScript" subtype is also defined
|        for the transport of PostScript material.  Other
|        expected uses for "application" include spreadsheets,
|        data for mail-based scheduling systems, and languages
|        for "active" (computational) messaging, and word
|        processing formats that are not directly readable.
|        Note that security considerations may exist for some
|        types of application data, most notably
|        "application/PostScript" and any form of active
|        messaging.  These issues are discussed later in this
|        document.

>>>>> In <199611250201.LAA01659 at example.com>,
>>>>> Yoshitsugu Mito <mit at example.com> wrote:
> # tm の mime-editor/insert-file で octet-stream しか選択で
> # きないってのも、ちょっと不便な感じがするんですがねぇ。
> # 私が知らないだけで、できるのかな? ^^;

  mime-editor/insert-file は変数 mime-file-types の値に基いて、
filename より CT や CTE を決定しています。Mew の場合に相当するのは
mew-mime-content-type ですね。

| (defvar mime-file-types
| ...
|     ("\\.diff$"
|      "application" "octet-stream" (("type" . "patch"))
|      nil
|      "attachment"	(("filename" . file))
|      )
|     ("\\.patch$"
|      "application" "octet-stream" (("type" . "patch"))
|      nil
|      "attachment"	(("filename" . file))
|      )
| ...
|   "*Alist of file name, types, parameters, and default encoding.
| If encoding is nil, it is determined from its contents.")

小林 修平 / Shuhei KOBAYASHI / <shuhei-k at example.com>

Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内