[Mew-dist 175] impost

河合正史 botan at example.com
1996年 11月 26日 (火) 17:51:09 JST


 どうしても、impost が メイルエリアスを参照してくれません。
 mew: mew-dist at example.com
 perl 4.0 patchlevel 36を使ってます。
 impost の今の設定内容を一緒に送ります。

  ヘ_ヘ                                   ヘ_ヘ
ミ・ ・ ミ                               ミ・ ・ ミ
   ̄° ̄  Masashi Kawai (Ryukoku Univ.)     ̄° ̄
  ♪      E-mail:botan at example.com ♪    
 ♪              VYC11576 at example.com     ♪     

-------------- next part --------------
impost version 0.95 (Nov. 26, 1996) (/home541/botan/bin/impost)
[description and configuration for options (option name is case insensitive)]
  -8BitLabel "unknown-8bit"     label for unknown 8bit body
  -8to7 (set)                   convert 8bit body to 7bit
  -ClientName "localhost"       name as a SMTP client (used for SMTP HELO)
  -Config <undef>               user's configuration option
  -Date (set)                   generate Date header line
  -noDate (not set)             do not generate Date header line
  -Dead "~/dead.letter"         path of file to save deadletter
  -Debug (not set)              debug mode
  -DebugLevel "0"               debug level
  -DefCode "8BIT"               Default classification (EUC/SJIS/8BIT)
  -Dist (not set)               redistribution mode (using Resent-*)
  -DistMsg <undef>              path of message for redistribution
  -EmgSMTPsvrs <undef>          list of SMTP servers for Emergency Use
  -ESMTP (not set)              enforce ESMTP
  -noESMTP (set)                use ESMTP only if server says ESMTP is OK
  -Fcc <undef>                  folder name to save FCC
  -FccDir (set)                 save to folder with directory style
  -FccFile (not set)            save to folder with file style
  -FccPartial (not set)         save FCC with partial format
  -Folder <undef>               path of draft folder directory
  -FolderMode "0700"            mode for folder directory creation
  -FromDomain "whale.math.ryukoku.ac.jp"
				default domain name for sender
  -Group <undef>                Newsgroup name to be posted in
  -Help (set)                   this information is shown
  -History "~/.posthistory"     path of history log file
  -noHistory (not set)          do not write posting history log
  -HostAliases "~/.rhosts"      list of files for domain part completion
  -IgnoreDot (not set)          ignore DOT for termination
  -IgnoreHeader (set)           do not pick up recipients from message header
  -JPconv (not set)             convert encoding from EUC/SJIS to JIS
  -noJPconv (set)               do not convert Japanese encodings
  -JPheader (set)               encode JIS to MIME style at header
  -noJPheader (not set)         do not encode JIS to MIME style at header
  -Lines "3000"                 line numbers for splitting
  -MailAliases "~/.mailaliases" list of files for mail address aliasing
  -MailFolders "Mail"           path of directory for message folders
  -Message <undef>              path/name of draft message
  -MeToo (not set)              request DCC to me
  -MIMEbcc (set)                use MIME style BCC
  -noMIMEbcc (not set)          do not use MIME style BCC
  -MsgId (set)                  generate Message-Id header line
  -noMsgId (not set)            do not generate Message-Id header line
  -MsgIdDomain <undef>          default domain name for Message-Id generation
  -MsgMode "0600"               mode for message file creation
  -Name "河合 正史"             commentary name for the sender
  -NewsCheck (not set)          no news posting if To, Cc, etc header found
  -noNewsCheck (set)            post news when Newsgroups header found
  -NewsGMTdate (not set)        generate date field in GMT for posting news
  -NewsPost (set)               enable NNTP
  -noNewsPost (not set)         disable NNTP
  -NNTPservers "whale.math.ryukoku.ac.jp"
				list of NNTP servers (separated with ',')
  -NScmpl (not set)             use domainpart completion with nameserver
  -noNScmpl (set)               do not use domainpart completion with NS
  -ObeyHeader (not set)         pick up recipients from message header
  -ObeyMTAdomain (not set)      do not append default domain on local address
  -Org "Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku University, Japan"
				name of organization for news
  -noPartial (not set)          no splitting
  -rc "~/.impostrc"             user's configuration file
  -Receipt (not set)            need successful delivery report
  -Report (set)                 report errors via mail
  -noReport (not set)           report errors to terminal
  -ShowRcpts (set)              show recipients in header as To: if no To:
  -noShowRcpts (not set)        append To: U-R:; header if no To:
  -Sleep "10"                   sleep interval for dispatching splitted mail
  -SMTP (not set)               SMTP style input mode
  -SMTPservers "localhost,"
				list of SMTP servers (separated with ',')
  -Subj <undef>                 a string for subject field
  -TermDot (set)                treat DOT as termination
  -Through8 (not set)           do not convert 8bit body to 7bit
  -ToDomain "whale.math.ryukoku.ac.jp"
				default domain name for recipients
  -TrashMark "#"                prefix for draft message renaming
  -TryNextOnFatal (not set)     Try next SMTP server evenif permanent error
  -User <undef>                 address local part of the sender
  -Verbose (not set)            verbose mode
[environments to be referenced]

Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内