[Mew-dist 195] Re: Thanx (Re: news posting from Mew)

Ryosuke Namba rna at example.com
1996年 11月 27日 (水) 22:49:39 JST


  [Mew-dist 181] で私が投稿したパッチにまずいところがありましたので、

・References: の順番が逆になるバグを修正。(大ボケでした。すんません。)
・References: が無い記事に対するフォローしたとき References が変になる
・In-Reply-To: の書き方を少し変えました。

今回のパッチも [Mew-dist 80] のパッチを当てたあとのソースに当てるもの

	http://www.aianet.or.jp/~rna/	mailto:nanba at example.com
-------------- next part --------------
--- mew-draft.el.80	Tue Nov 26 22:24:32 1996
+++ mew-draft.el	Wed Nov 27 18:11:46 1996
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@
   ;; xxx date to in-reply-to ?
   (and in-reply-to (mew-header-insert-here 
-		    (concat "Your message of \"" in-reply-to "\"")))
+		    in-reply-to))
   (and references (mew-header-insert-here "References:" references))
   (if (and mew-x-face-file
 	   (file-exists-p (expand-file-name mew-x-face-file)))
--- mew-summary.el.80	Tue Nov 26 22:24:22 1996
+++ mew-summary.el	Wed Nov 27 22:28:35 1996
@@ -1273,9 +1273,10 @@
 	     ((and from (string-match (concat "^" mew-mail-address "$")
 				      (car from)))
 	      (setq to (mew-header-address-collect '("To:" "Apparently-To:")))
- 	      (if (and (null (cdr to))
-		       (car to) ;; not null
-		       (string-match ":;" (car to)))
+ 	      (if (or (and (null (cdr to))
+			   (car to) ;; not null
+			   (string-match ":;" (car to)))
+		      (null to))
 		  (setq to (or (mew-header-address-collect '("Reply-To:"))
 	      (setq cc (mew-header-address-collect '("Cc:"))))
@@ -1298,6 +1299,24 @@
 		(setq subject (concat "Re: " subject)))
 	    (setq in-reply-to (mew-header-get-value "Date:"))
 	    (setq references (mew-header-get-value "Message-ID:"))
+	    (cond 
+	     ((and from (equal mew-mail-address 
+				      (if (listp from)
+					  (car from)
+					(from)) ))
+	      (setq in-reply-to
+		    (concat "My message of \"" in-reply-to "\"")))
+	     ((not newsgroups)
+	      (setq in-reply-to 
+		    (concat "Your message of \"" in-reply-to "\"")))
+	     (t
+	      (setq in-reply-to
+		    (concat (car from)
+			    "\'s message of \"" in-reply-to "\""))) )
+	    (if (and newsgroups (mew-header-get-value "References:"))
+		(setq references
+		      (concat (mew-header-get-value "References:")
+			       "\n\t" references)))
 	    (pop-to-buffer cbuf) ;; draft
 	    (mew-draft-header subject nil to cc newsgroups in-reply-to references)

Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内