[Mew-dist 1742] perl faq

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) Kazu at example.com
1997年 8月 29日 (金) 09:19:31 JST

Mew で必要な Perl の FAQ を書いてみました。日本語で書くとだれも英語に直
さないと思うので、英語で書きます。www.mew.org に載せるのと、日本語訳は
www-admin にお任せします。

<<<Installing Perl5>>>

(1) Type "./Configure -d" to let "Configure" to check your system
configuration. The "-d" option let Perl5 choose default values rather
than asking questions to you. "Configure" creates the "config.sh" file
as a result.

	% cd _somewhere_perl5_locates_
	% ./Configure -d

(2) Edit "config.sh" at the final stage of "Configure" using shell escape.

	e.g.	!vi config.sh

If you want to use RPOP, "sperl" is required. To gain "sperl", ensure
that "d_dosuid" is 'defined' in "config.sh".

	e.g.	d_dosuid='define'

Unfortunately dynamic loading doesn't work on some OSes. In this case, 
ensure that Perl5 use static loading instead.

	e.g.	dynamic_ext=''
		tatic_ext='DB_File Fcntl IO NDBM_File Opcode POSIX SDBM_File Socket'

(3) When you finish editing, "Configure" reflects "config.sh" to all
Makefiles and etc. Then type "make", "make test", and "make install".

	% make
	% make test
	% su
	# make install

<<<Waring of Perl5>>>

Perl5 warns if appropriate locale for "LANG" is not found.

Suppose that you set "LANG" "japanese" on BSD/OS 3.0. Perl 5 warns as

	warning: setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "") failed.
	warning: LC_ALL = "(null)", LC_CTYPE = "(null)", LANG = "japanese",
	warning: falling back to the "C" locale.

The best solution is to create an alias link to one of existing
locales. For instance, BSD/OS has /usr/share/locale/Japanese-EUC. So,
create "japanese" link, which is the value of "LANG", to it.

	% su
	# cd /usr/share/locale
	# ln -s Japanese-EUC japanese


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