[Mew-dist 3120] Re: [Q] Why I can't read message with some Subject ?
Hidenori Ohta / 太田英憲
hide at example.com
1997年 12月 11日 (木) 09:45:09 JST
From: Akihiro Motoki <motoki at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 3116] Re: [Q] Why I can't read message with some Subject ?
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 03:13:02 +0900
> 上の二つの場合は、MIME形式のSubject(こんな言い方するのでしょうか?)で、
> たしか書式は、
> =?(文字コード)?(encode形式(B|Q))?(エンコードされた文字列)?=
> にだったと思います。
> # 今手元にrfcもなく、読んだことがないので経験的で知っているだけ
> # なので、間違っている場合は指摘してください。
> # このあたりはどのrfcにあるのでしょう?
RFC2047 ですね。
> 上の二つのSubjectには、encoded words の中に '?' が入っているのが
> うまくデコードできない原因ではないでしょうか。
> encoded words の中に ? が入っていていいのかは、
> rfc がないので確認できません。
RFC には以下のようにありますので、`?' がそのまま入っているのは間違いで
4.2. The "Q" encoding
The "Q" encoding is similar to the "Quoted-Printable" content-
transfer-encoding defined in RFC 2045. It is designed to allow text
containing mostly ASCII characters to be decipherable on an ASCII
terminal without decoding.
(1) Any 8-bit value may be represented by a "=" followed by two
hexadecimal digits. For example, if the character set in use
were ISO-8859-1, the "=" character would thus be encoded as
"=3D", and a SPACE by "=20". (Upper case should be used for
hexadecimal digits "A" through "F".)
(2) The 8-bit hexadecimal value 20 (e.g., ISO-8859-1 SPACE) may be
represented as "_" (underscore, ASCII 95.). (This character may
not pass through some internetwork mail gateways, but its use
will greatly enhance readability of "Q" encoded data with mail
readers that do not support this encoding.) Note that the "_"
always represents hexadecimal 20, even if the SPACE character
occupies a different code position in the character set in use.
(3) 8-bit values which correspond to printable ASCII characters other
than "=", "?", and "_" (underscore), MAY be represented as those
characters. (But see section 5 for restrictions.) In
particular, SPACE and TAB MUST NOT be represented as themselves
within encoded words.
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