[Mew-dist 03272] Re: Perl compiler

Shigeya Suzuki shigeya at example.com
1997年 12月 25日 (木) 14:50:25 JST

>>>>> "saito" == さいとてつや  <SAITO> writes:

saito> http://users.ox.ac.uk/~mbeattie/perl.html を見ると、5.005 でコンパイラ
saito> もWin32も統合されるようですね。もう少し待ってみたほうがいいような気が
saito> します。

一番最近の porters 的パッチは perl5.004_56 です。 
CPAN:/authors/id/MICB (perl compiler あるのと同じディレクトリ)

ただし、compiler は、このバージョンのはイマイチみたいです。(以下参照)

# 5.005 向けのパッチの管理者が compiler やってる人なので…

こいつは、サポートされてるプラットフォームだと、thread もできるようで

試すという意味では、_56 もってきて試せば良いと思います。



To: perl5-porters at example.com (Perl Porters)
From: Malcolm Beattie <mbeattie at example.com>
Subject: ANNOUNCE: perl 5.004_56 is available
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 17:40:28 +0000 (GMT)
X-Loop: Perl5-Porters

Perl 5.004_56 is out and should reach a CPAN site near you soon.

We're getting closer to 5.005: there will be no more features added
(apart from the compiler which is now mostly working but is not yet
incorporated into the core part of the repository). Only patches
which fix bugs, enhance portability or add documentation will be
considered. This version has more chance of building on Win32, AIX,
IRIX, OS/2 and DOS djgpp than previous versions had. Although all
patches from the VMS maintainers have been applied, the recent
changes to the way global/per-interp/per-thread variables are
distributed between header files has probably broken the VMS build
process for this release, I'm afraid. We'll probably have to go
around the patch/release loop at least once more before VMS will
build out of the box.

*PLEASE*, try this version out on all possible platforms and send in
perlbug (or "perlbug -ok" reports). I may not have jumped the
patchlevel to _90 (and I might not do so) but we are getting close
to 5.005. I know the "porting" part of perl5-porters is not as
exciting as developing stuff and flaming people but it's still one of
the more important goals.

I'm going to be without net access (including email and news) from
Saturday until Monday 5 January. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year to you all.

To configure for multi-threading under Linux, Digital UNIX, Solaris,
AIX or recent patchlevels of IRIX, do:
    ./Configure -Dusethreads -Doptimize=-g -ders

Other platforms which include at least some thread support are:
Win32, VMS, OS/2, DOS djgpp. For these, see README.threads or
else the platform-specific documentation.

To test the threading with simple examples see ext/Thread/*.t.
For known items on my ToDo list see ToDo.5.005.

IRIX WARNING: A kernel bug in version 6.2 of IRIX means that one of
the basic perl thread tests will *panic* your machine if you run it.
Configure will try to warn you if you are running such a version but
the responsibility is yours. Be careful. IRIX 7.0 is OK.

Changes since 5.004_55:

	<< change log は長いので削除 >>


Malcolm Beattie <mbeattie at example.com>
Unix Systems Programmer
Oxford University Computing Services

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