[Mew-dist 1153] IM official patch 1

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) Kazu at example.com
1997年 7月 2日 (水) 10:16:20 JST

Mr. Utashiro, a master of Perl, casted a spell to IM scripts to make
them faster once before. He said that he was not crazy about speed,
but he casted the spell again(probably "Programs MAY be faster!..." or
something). :)

Apply the following patch in IM.in directory. It will make 'imls'
about 30% faster than before, I bet.


*** Scan.pm.in.orig	Tue Jul  1 13:14:06 1997
--- Scan.pm.in	Tue Jul  1 13:58:13 1997
*** 287,293 ****
  sub disp_msg {
! 	my($href, $vscan) = @_;
  	${$href}{'indent-subject'} = ${$href}{'indent'} . ${$href}{'subject'};
--- 287,293 ----
  sub disp_msg {
! 	(local $href, my $vscan) = @_;
  	${$href}{'indent-subject'} = ${$href}{'indent'} . ${$href}{'subject'};
*** 295,305 ****
  		print &my_get_msg($href), "\n";
! 	} elsif ($EVAL_SCAN_FORM) {
! 		my $content = eval($EVAL_SCAN_FORM);
  		if ($vscan) {
  			print &substr_safe($content, $WIDTH - 1), 
! 				eval($EVAL_VSCAN_FORM),	"\n";
  		} else {
  			print &substr_safe($content, $WIDTH - 1), "\n";
--- 295,305 ----
  		print &my_get_msg($href), "\n";
! 	} elsif (defined(&scan_form)) {
! 		my $content = &scan_form;
  		if ($vscan) {
  			print &substr_safe($content, $WIDTH - 1), 
! 				&scan_form, "\n";
  		} else {
  			print &substr_safe($content, $WIDTH - 1), "\n";
*** 379,384 ****
--- 379,388 ----
      $WIDTH = $width;
      $JIS_SAFE= $jis_safe;
      $EVAL_SCAN_FORM = convert_scan_form($scan_form);
+     eval "sub scan_form { $EVAL_SCAN_FORM }";
+     if ($@) {
+ 	im_die("Form seems to be wrong.\nPerl error message is: $@");
+     }
*** MIME.pm.in.orig	Fri Jun 27 21:59:59 1997
--- MIME.pm.in	Tue Jul  1 22:37:58 1997
*** 65,101 ****
  ## Variables
! @c256to64 = ("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", 
! 		 "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P",
! 		 "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X",
! 		 "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", 
! 		 "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n",
! 		 "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", 
! 		 "w", "x", "y", "z", "0", "1", "2", "3", 
! 		 "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "+", "/");
! $c64to256 = {
! 	'A' =>  0, 'B' =>  1, 'C' =>  2, 'D' =>  3, 
! 	'E' =>  4, 'F' =>  5, 'G' =>  6, 'H' =>  7, 
! 	'I' =>  8, 'J' =>  9, 'K' => 10, 'L' => 11, 
! 	'M' => 12, 'N' => 13, 'O' => 14, 'P' => 15, 
! 	'Q' => 16, 'R' => 17, 'S' => 18, 'T' => 19, 
! 	'U' => 20, 'V' => 21, 'W' => 22, 'X' => 23, 
! 	'Y' => 24, 'Z' => 25, 'a' => 26, 'b' => 27, 
! 	'c' => 28, 'd' => 29, 'e' => 30, 'f' => 31, 
! 	'g' => 32, 'h' => 33, 'i' => 34, 'j' => 35, 
! 	'k' => 36, 'l' => 37, 'm' => 38, 'n' => 39, 
! 	'o' => 40, 'p' => 41, 'q' => 42, 'r' => 43, 
! 	's' => 44, 't' => 45, 'u' => 46, 'v' => 47, 
! 	'w' => 48, 'x' => 49, 'y' => 50, 'z' => 51, 
! 	'0' => 52, '1' => 53, '2' => 54, '3' => 55, 
! 	'4' => 56, '5' => 57, '6' => 58, '7' => 59, 
! 	'8' => 60, '9' => 61, '+' => 62, '/' => 63, 
! 	'=' =>  0,
! };
! @D2H = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
!  	 "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F");
--- 65,71 ----
  ## Variables
! @D2H = ('0'..'9', 'A'..'F');
*** 206,263 ****
  sub b_encode_string {
! 	my($str256) = @_;
! 	my($rest) = (length($str256) % 3);
! 	my($count, $ret) = (0, "");
! 	my($c1, $c2, $c3, $len);
! 	if ($rest == 1) {
! 		$str256 = $str256 . chr(0) . chr(0); 
! 	} elsif ($rest == 2) {
! 		$str256 = $str256 . chr(0);
! 	}
! 	$len = length($str256);
! 	while ($count < $len) {
! 		($c1, $c2, $c3) = unpack("CCC", substr($str256, $count, 3));
! 		$ret = $ret . $c256to64[($c1>>2)] . 
! 			$c256to64[(($c1&0x03)<<4) + ($c2>>4)] . 
! 			$c256to64[(($c2&0x0f)<<2) + ($c3>>6)] . 
! 			$c256to64[($c3&0x3f)];
! 		$count = $count + 3;
! 	}
! 	if ($rest == 0) {
! 		return($ret);
! 	} elsif ($rest == 1) {
! 		return(substr($ret, 0, -2) . "==");
! 	} elsif ($rest == 2) {
! 		return(substr($ret, 0, -1) . "=");
! 	}
  sub b_decode_string {
! 	my($str64) = @_;
! 	my($count, $ret, $len) = (0, "", length($str64));
! 	my($c1, $c2, $c3, $c4);
! 	while ($count < $len) {
! 		$c1 = $$c64to256{substr($str64, $count, 1)};
! 		$c2 = $$c64to256{substr($str64, $count + 1, 1)};
! 		$c3 = $$c64to256{substr($str64, $count + 2, 1)};
! 		$c4 = $$c64to256{substr($str64, $count + 3, 1)};
! 		$ret = $ret . 
! 			chr(($c1<<2) + ($c2>>4)) . 
! 			chr(($c2<<4) + ($c3>>2)) . 
! 			chr(($c3<<6) + ($c4));
! 		$count = $count + 4;
! 	}
! 	if ($str64 =~ /^[^=]*(=+)$/) {
! 		return substr($ret, 0, - length($1));
! 	} else {
! 		return $ret;
--- 176,213 ----
  sub b_encode_string {
! 	my $mod3 = length($_[0]) % 3;
! 	local($_);
! 	$_ = pack('u', $_[0]);
! 	chop;
! 	s/(^|\n).//mg;
! 	tr[`!-_][A-Za-z0-9+/];
! 	if    ($mod3 == 1) { s/..$/==/; }
! 	elsif ($mod3 == 2) { s/.$/=/; }
! 	$_;
  sub b_decode_string {
! 	my $s64 = shift;
! 	my $len;
! 	my $res = '';
! 	local($_);
! 	while ($s64 =~ s/^.{1,60}//) {
! 		$_ = $&;
! 		$len = length($_) * 3 / 4;
! 		if (/=+$/) {
! 			$len -= length($&);
! 		}
! 		tr[A-Za-z0-9+/=][`!-_A];
! 		$res .= sprintf("%c%s\n", $len + 32, $_);
+ 	unpack('u', $res);

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