[Mew-dist 1114] Re: Forward: Re: clear key input events
Motonori Shindo
mshindo at example.com
1997年 6月 23日 (月) 23:23:22 JST
>>>>> On Mon, 23 Jun 1997 01:50:35 -0400
>>>>> rms at example.com(Richard Stallman) said:
rms> Thanks for the suggestion, but don't think I'll work on it. I think
rms> that the usual obsession with passwords and "security leaks" is
rms> fundamentally foolish.
rms> The real threats to your privacy come from your employer, your
rms> government, and companies that sell information about you.
彼は security には全く無関心というか、普段から "Why do so many people
care about security?" とか言ってますので、彼が上のように言っている以上、
Emacs 自体でのサポートは期待できそうにないですね。
Motonori Shindo
Systems Engineer
Ascend Communications Japan K.K.
email: mshindo at example.com
TEL: +81-3-5325-7306
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