[Mew-dist 685] Mew 1.64

Kazuhiko Yamamoto kazu at example.com
1997年 3月 14日 (金) 23:57:27 JST

Hi there,

I'm late but now I release Mew 1.64. This version provides you with
icon-based multipart composing. Click the right button of your mouse
on one of bottom toolbar icons in Draft mode to enjoy it. As Summary
mode, key-based interface and icon-based interface are equivalent. 

I deeply thank you, Yuichi Teranishi for drawing cute icons of Draft
mode. Without those icons, Mew 1.64 would not come true.

Mew 1.64 is available from the following repository:

(No typo this time? X-)

I was surprised because many poepole, even good hackers, don't know
what "outgoing" directory is. "outgoing" or "incoming" directory is to
provide *semi*-anonymous FTP services. Usually you can't "dir", "get"
nor "put" but if you know the file name you can get/put it.

This version still contains many bugs and is still suffered from icon
copyright problem. So alpha release.

Unfortunately I will have to get back to the IPv6 community as of
tomorrow. Forgive me if my response become lazy.



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