[Mew-dist 2904] Mew stable 1.92.2

Kazu Yamamoto Kazu at example.com
1997年 11月 6日 (木) 15:28:15 JST

Since a serious bug was reported, I quickly made a patch to fix the
bug. The bug appeared when any string in a header was encoded with the
"Q" encoding. Since the counter was not advanced, "=3d" was treated as
the "=" keyword again.


Index: mew/mew-bq.el
diff -c mew/mew-bq.el: mew/mew-bq.el:
*** mew/mew-bq.el:	Tue Oct 28 13:08:43 1997
--- mew/mew-bq.el	Thu Nov  6 15:19:50 1997
*** 205,214 ****
  (defun mew-header-decode-qp (qpstr)
!   (let ((start) (end))
      (while (string-match "_" qpstr)
        (aset qpstr (match-beginning 0) 32)) ;; 32 = space
!     (while (string-match "=[0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z]" qpstr)
        (setq start (match-beginning 0))
        (setq end (match-end 0))
        (setq qpstr
--- 205,214 ----
  (defun mew-header-decode-qp (qpstr)
!   (let ((start -1) (end))
      (while (string-match "_" qpstr)
        (aset qpstr (match-beginning 0) 32)) ;; 32 = space
!     (while (string-match "=[0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z]" qpstr (1+ start))
        (setq start (match-beginning 0))
        (setq end (match-end 0))
        (setq qpstr
Index: mew/mew.el
diff -c mew/mew.el: mew/mew.el:
*** mew/mew.el:	Tue Oct 28 14:21:38 1997
--- mew/mew.el	Thu Nov  6 15:19:51 1997
*** 7,13 ****
  ;;; Author:  Kazu Yamamoto <Kazu at example.com>
  ;;; Created: Mar 22, 1994
! ;;; Revised: Oct 28, 1997
  ;;; The updated version is available from:
  ;;;	ftp://ftp.aist-nara.ac.jp/pub/elisp/Mew/mew-current.tar.gz
--- 7,13 ----
  ;;; Author:  Kazu Yamamoto <Kazu at example.com>
  ;;; Created: Mar 22, 1994
! ;;; Revised: Nov  6, 1997
  ;;; The updated version is available from:
  ;;;	ftp://ftp.aist-nara.ac.jp/pub/elisp/Mew/mew-current.tar.gz
*** 24,30 ****
  ;;; Mew version
! (defconst mew-version "Mew version 1.92.1")
  (provide 'mew)
  (require 'mew-env)
  (require 'mew-func)
--- 24,30 ----
  ;;; Mew version
! (defconst mew-version "Mew version 1.92.2")
  (provide 'mew)
  (require 'mew-env)
  (require 'mew-func)

Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内