[Mew-dist 05844] Re: pgp5, gpg, kong, etc.
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
1998年 8月 6日 (木) 20:50:14 JST
From: sen_ml at example.com
Subject: Re: [Mew-dist 05740] pgp5, gpg, kong, etc.
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 13:51:03 +0900
> i think cryptographic functionality in a separate elisp package might
> be a good thing (tm) -- it's not just mail and news which pgp (et. al)
> is used for. i haven't used 'mailcrypt', but it seems like a good
> idea (though AFAIK, it only supports pgp).
It is basically a good idea to make elisp code be library. I agree.
However, it's not my business. I hope that every Mew user understands
that I'm implementing Mew for my security research. I have already
over-committed. So, I can't afford to do it even if I know it's right.
> a number of different packages. if mew could communicate via this
> interface, then mew doesn't need to contain code for each separate
> encryption package.
I have made mistakes over and over. My experiences says, "You should
write code from scratch. If not, you never ever know what it is".
I don't mind what you said. Making use of other's package seems a
really bad idea, at least, to me. I'd hate to make the same mistake
> of the two packages i mentioned, the one which i think is worth
> considering for sure is gnu pg. more information is available at:
> http://www.d.shuttle.de/isil/crypt/gnupg.html
Thank you for your info. When GNUPG becomes stable, I will support it
> > The contact point is img at example.com
> thanks -- is this a mailing list?
> > Use info of elisp which is available from ftp.gnu.org.
> thank you. this is the elisp reference manual right?
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