[Mew-dist 06133] (mew-release) Mew 1.93 pre1 and IM 99
kazu at example.com
kazu at example.com
1998年 8月 25日 (火) 02:36:04 JST
Hello everyone!
This message is to call volunteers to test final versions of Mew 1.93.
Mew 1.93 beta has been tested for a long time and is now ready to
go. However, before I put 1.93 beta forward to its stable track, I
would like to set per-release period just in case.
If you volunteer, please fetch and test them. They are available from:
Mew 1.93 can work on Emacs 20.3 as on other Emacs families. IM 99 can
work with Perl 5.005 as well as 5.004. They now conform BSD-like "AS
IS" copyright which is I think loser than GPL2.
I really hope that this first pre-release version will be the
last. Attached is summary of differences between 1.92 and 1.93.
--Kazu at example.com
* Copyright of Mew conforms ``AS IS'' instead of GPL2.
* Mew now supports IMAP4 and qmail mailbox.
* immv, imrm, and imclean are implemented by Elisp. So, "x" in Summary
mode became much faster. Other commands became faster as well.
* Multipart format in Summary mode and Draft mode are integrated.
* Neat support for IM Config. Please refer to info for more information.
* mew-opt-highlight-* -> mew-use-highlight-*.
* mew-field-{,in}visible were obsoleted. Use mew-field-spec instead.
* Hankaku kana is converted into zenkaku kana if exists.
* Safely ignores unknown charset in a header.
* message/partial and text/html are supported.
* Ad-hoc PGP 5 support.
* Content-Disposition: support.
* Neat reporting mechanism of PGP/MIME.
* Many many bug fixes.
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内