[Mew-dist 06191] Re: im-100pre1

Murata Takashi Takashi.Murata at example.com
1998年 8月 28日 (金) 12:34:27 JST

From: Kazu Yamamoto (山本和彦) <kazu at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 06186] im-100pre1
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 07:55:48 +0900

> I should change my releasing strategy: I have put im-100pre1.tar.gz
> onto ftp.mew.org:/pub/Mew/beta.

  せめて、imsetup.in の

	my $usecl = "no";


	my $usecl = "@im_use_cl@";

  としてほしいのですが。そうでないと、Solaris の一般ユーザが何も考えず
デフォルトを選んでしまって、せっかくの SiteConfig が有効にならないので。

  で、やはり imsetup で $usecl を決めること自体、無駄だと思いますので、

# $nosync が yes/no 以外であれば問い合わせしないようにもしてみました。
┌───────────── 村田 隆 / Takashi.Murata at example.com ┐
└ 日本システム技術(株) 技術部  Tel:03-3503-8736  Fax:03-3580-7806 ┘

*** imsetup.in.ORG	Fri Aug 28 07:43:12 1998
--- imsetup.in	Fri Aug 28 12:31:36 1998
*** 42,48 ****
  my $address = im_getlogin() . "\@" . &get_domain_name();
  my $mail = "Mail";
  my $news = "News";
- my $usecl = "no";
  my $nosync = "@im_nosync@";
  my ($mhdir, $mhalias, $domain, $nntpservers);
--- 42,47 ----
*** 113,124 ****
      $address = &input_config("What is your E-mail address(es)?", $address);
!     $usecl = &input_config("Do you want to use value of Content-Length"
! 			   . " header for delimitation for local\nmail?"
! 			   . " (Answer yes if your OS supports Content-Length"
! 			   . " header like Solaris 2.x,\notherwise answer no.)"
! 			   , $usecl);
      $nosync = &input_config("Does your system can detect write errors without"
  			    . " fsync(2)? (You can answer yes,\n"
  			    . "if your home directory is on local file system,"
--- 112,121 ----
      $address = &input_config("What is your E-mail address(es)?", $address);
!     if ( $nosync !~ "no" && $nosync !~ "yes" ) {
! 	$nosync = "yes";
! 	return;
!     }
      $nosync = &input_config("Does your system can detect write errors without"
  			    . " fsync(2)? (You can answer yes,\n"
  			    . "if your home directory is on local file system,"
*** 340,346 ****
  #NntpHistory=newshist		# to save last state (relative to ~/.im/)
  #MBoxStyle=qmail		# if folder style mbox of qmail is used
  #Imget.Src=local:\${HOME}/MailDir# in case of qmail
! UseCL=$usecl			# Use value of Content-Length header
  NoSync=$nosync			# Do not need fsync(2) on writing file
  #PopAccount=/APOP\@localhost	# account info for POP access
--- 337,343 ----
  #NntpHistory=newshist		# to save last state (relative to ~/.im/)
  #MBoxStyle=qmail		# if folder style mbox of qmail is used
  #Imget.Src=local:\${HOME}/MailDir# in case of qmail
! #UseCL=no			# Use value of Content-Length header
  NoSync=$nosync			# Do not need fsync(2) on writing file
  #PopAccount=/APOP\@localhost	# account info for POP access

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