[Mew-dist 07031] Re: Sort by date
Takahiro Kambe
taca at example.com
1998年 12月 2日 (水) 23:52:10 JST
In message <19981202184848I.kazu at example.com>
on Wed, 2 Dec 1998 18:48:57 +0900,
Kazu Yamamoto (山本和彦) <kazu at example.com> wrote:
> とりあえず、
> - RFC 822 には反している
ここまで言い切れますか? 822では、
zone = "UT" / "GMT" ; Universal Time
; North American : UT
/ "EST" / "EDT" ; Eastern: - 5/ - 4
/ "CST" / "CDT" ; Central: - 6/ - 5
/ "MST" / "MDT" ; Mountain: - 7/ - 6
/ "PST" / "PDT" ; Pacific: - 8/ - 7
/ 1ALPHA ; Military: Z = UT;
で、RFC1123(Host Requirement)では、
There is a strong trend towards the use of numeric timezone
indicators, and implementations SHOULD use numeric timezones
instead of timezone names. However, all implementations MUST
accept either notation. If timezone names are used, they MUST
be exactly as defined in RFC-822.
神戸 隆博(かんべ たかひろ)
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