[Mew-dist 07118] Re: mew-1.94b2 and im-104
Kazumasa Utashiro
utashiro at example.com
1998年 12月 17日 (木) 09:23:58 JST
実際には、あまりパフォーマンスに影響ないんですが、モジュールの中に $&
*** /usr/local/src/im-104/IM/Grep.pm Tue Nov 24 15:58:55 1998
--- Grep.pm Thu Dec 17 07:27:48 1998
*** 431,437 ****
# Replace space characters by \s*. This enables to find
# several word sequence across line boundary.
! s/./$& =~ m@\s@ ? '\\s*' : quotemeta($&)/eg;
$result .= $_;
--- 431,437 ----
# Replace space characters by \s*. This enables to find
# several word sequence across line boundary.
! s/(.)/$1 =~ m@\s@ ? '\\s*' : quotemeta($1)/eg;
$result .= $_;
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内