[Mew-dist 07155] pleas help me tweak mew

Ionutz Borcoman borco at example.com
1998年 12月 22日 (火) 19:09:23 JST


I usualy use Netscape Mail for managing messages. Maybe I will change to
mew as it looks very promising. I find it very nice when it comes to pgp
(pgp is the reason that made me install it).

As I am still using intesively the Netscape Mail, I would like to know
how they can cooperate ? 

For the meoment I just use an automatically Bcc to myself and that is

I would like at least to do the following tweaks:

- mew should NEVER check for mails; this should be done by Nescape Mail.
- the Bcc'ed mails should be an identical copy of the original. Now an
extra header is attached and the "Bcc:" is added on th esubject line.
- i have a lot of files in the ~/Mail/Draft/ folder. Can I safely remove
them. How to prevent mew to make such drafts. I didn't ask for them.
Most of them are temporary files (like #1 or #3#).



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