[Mew-dist 03690] (mew-release) Re: accent letters
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
Kazu at example.com
1998年 2月 9日 (月) 11:24:30 JST
From: Kazu Yamamoto (山本和彦) <Kazu at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 03682] (mew-release) accent letters
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 1998 22:50:59 +0900
> If you use accent letters in your daily life, please refer to
> mew-mule3.el. Set some variables started with 'mew-cs' replacing
> 'iso-2022-7bit-ss2' to 'iso-8859-1 in your ".emacs".
> e.g. (setq mew-cs-scan 'iso-8859-1)
> I will include some examples in the next version. (Please give me
> reports whether or not this works.)
> For a long time, we have discussed on this topic. A possible good
> solution is create a new character set based on ISO 2022 but whose
> 8bit area is ISO-8859-1 for the protocol. This eliminates the local
> configurations above.
itojun suggested usage of ctext to me. ctext is a character set
developed in the X window system. ctext designates Latin-1 to G1 (i.e.
8bit) while it designates others to G0 (i.e. 7bit).
I quickly tested this stuff and got a good result. At least, ASCII,
Latin-1 and Japanese can co-exist.
If you use Mule 2.3, try:
(defvar mew-cs-scan '*ctext*)
If you use Emacs 20, try:
(defvar mew-cs-scan 'ctext)
I have already modified mew-mulex.el, so this configuration will be
available by default in the next beta version.
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内