[Mew-dist 03712] Re: can I use PGP 5.0i ?

Hiroshi Ogata hiroshi at example.com
1998年 2月 11日 (水) 18:49:16 JST

どうも, 緒方です。

>>>>> On Tue, 10 Feb 1998 14:46:50 +0900
>>>>> Kazu at example.com(Kazu Yamamoto (山本和彦))  said:

Kazu> とりあえず、263 と共存できるようにしてマージしておきますが、ぱっと見た

pgp5.0 を使った時に署名の検証結果が表示されないので以下の
patch を作ってみました。
ただし, 公開鍵を持っている場合,必ず BAD になってしまいます。
(^.^;) なんでだろ??

Kazu> 次の beta は不完
Kazu> 全なまま出します。

ということで, まだ不完全です。

-------------- next part --------------
*** mew-1.93b13/mew-pgp.el	Tue Feb 10 15:19:49 1998
--- mew-1.93b13.change/mew-pgp.el	Wed Feb 11 17:54:34 1998
*** 45,51 ****
  (defconst mew-pgp-msg-enter      "Enter")
  (defconst mew-pgp-msg-enter-pass "Enter pass phrase: ")
  (defconst mew-pgp-msg-reenter-pass "Enter pass phrase: ")
- (defconst mew-pgp-msg-no-key     "Key matching")
  (defconst mew-pgp-msg-no-keyring "Keyring file")
  (defconst mew-pgp-msg-no-seckey-or-secring
    "You do not have the secret key")
--- 45,50 ----
*** 55,66 ****
--- 54,69 ----
+   (defconst mew-pgp-msg-no-key     "unknown keyid")
+   (defconst mew-pgp-msg-signature "\n\\(.*\\) signature made")
    (setq mew-prog-pgpe-arg "-a")
    (setq mew-prog-pgps-arg "-ba")
    (setq mew-prog-pgpk-add-arg "-a")
    (setq mew-prog-pgpk-ext-arg "-xa")
+   (defconst mew-pgp-msg-no-key     "Key matching")
+   (defconst mew-pgp-msg-signature "\n\\(.*\\) signature from user \\(.*\\)\\.")
    (setq mew-prog-pgpe-arg "-ea")
    (setq mew-prog-pgps-arg "-sba")
    (setq mew-prog-pgpk-add-arg "-ka")
*** 111,124 ****
    (let (ret)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (if (not (re-search-forward 
! 	      "\n\\(.*\\) signature from user \\(.*\\)\\." nil t))
  	;; this is verification, so the error is about public key
  	(if (re-search-forward mew-pgp-msg-no-key nil t)
  	    (setq ret mew-pgp-result-pubkey)
  	  (goto-char (point-min))
  	  (if (re-search-forward  mew-pgp-msg-no-keyring nil t)
  	      (setq ret mew-pgp-result-pubring)))
!       (setq ret (concat (mew-match 1) " PGP sign " (mew-match 2)))
        (if (re-search-forward "not certified with enough" nil t)
  	  (setq ret (concat ret " MARGINAL"))
  	(goto-char (point-min))
--- 114,134 ----
    (let (ret)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (if (not (re-search-forward 
! 	      mew-pgp-msg-signature nil t))
  	;; this is verification, so the error is about public key
  	(if (re-search-forward mew-pgp-msg-no-key nil t)
  	    (setq ret mew-pgp-result-pubkey)
  	  (goto-char (point-min))
  	  (if (re-search-forward  mew-pgp-msg-no-keyring nil t)
  	      (setq ret mew-pgp-result-pubring)))
!       (if (not mew-use-pgp5)
! 	  (setq ret (concat (mew-match 1) " PGP sign " (mew-match 2)))
! 	(setq ret (concat (mew-match 1) " PGP sign "))
! 	(goto-char (point-max))
! 	(re-search-backward "   \\(.*\\)" nil t)
! 	(setq ret (concat ret (mew-match 1)))
! 	(goto-char (point-min))
! 	)
        (if (re-search-forward "not certified with enough" nil t)
  	  (setq ret (concat ret " MARGINAL"))
  	(goto-char (point-min))

Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内