[Mew-dist 04014] Re: ウィンドウが切り替わる
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
Kazu at example.com
1998年 2月 27日 (金) 20:30:55 JST
From: Shigeya Suzuki <shigeya at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 04004] ウィンドウが切り替わる
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 10:46:22 +0900
> と、完全に complete できるアイテムで complete しようとします。する
> と、あら不思議、1のバッファにきりかわります。
> ということです。
--かず@ばんざい \^^/
Index: mew-complete.el
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/mew/mew-complete.el,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -c -r1.5 mew-complete.el
*** mew-complete.el 1998/02/25 04:15:19 1.5
--- mew-complete.el 1998/02/27 11:30:07
*** 61,67 ****
(defun mew-complete-window-delete ()
(if (null mew-complete-window-config)
! (set-window-configuration mew-complete-window-config)
(setq mew-complete-window-config nil)
(and (get-buffer mew-buffer-completions)
--- 61,77 ----
(defun mew-complete-window-delete ()
(if (null mew-complete-window-config)
! ;; mew-complete-window-config remains when the last completion
! ;; finished with multiple candidates.
! ;; (e.g. foo<RET> when foo and foobar are displayed.)
! ;; In this case, this function is called in another
! ;; completion thread but setting window configuration is not
! ;; desired. If we set window configuration with the old
! ;; mew-complete-window-config, the cursor jumps to mini buffer.
! ;; This was a stupid bug of Mew. So, let's see if the complete
! ;; buffer is displayed or not.
! (if (get-buffer-window mew-buffer-completions)
! (set-window-configuration mew-complete-window-config))
(setq mew-complete-window-config nil)
(and (get-buffer mew-buffer-completions)
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内