[Mew-dist 03369] Re: imput stop
Toru Taniguchi
g97p0639 at example.com
1998年 1月 13日 (火) 19:19:05 JST
Nakamura さん、お返事ありがとうございます。谷口です。
私> mew-1.92 と im-76 をMkLinux(for PowerPC)にインストールしてみたのですが
私> imput がうまく動きません。
私> (中略)
私> imput: ERROR: connection error
私> というメッセージを出して止まってしまいます。
Nakamuraさん> imput をコマンドとして呼び出すときに --debug もつけてみてく
Nakamuraさん> もうちょっと詳しい情報が得られると思います。
差出人が "TANIGUCHI Toru <g97p0639 at example.com>"で
受取人が "taniguchi at example.com"、
SMTPサーバが "mn-mail.mn.waseda.ac.jp"
「本文終わり」の合図 "." をSMTPサーバに送っているのですが、どうもそれに対し
imput:DEBUG: put_body finished: no error
imput: <<< .(でimputが止まってしまう)
imput:DEBUG: put_body finished: no error
imput: <<< .
imput: >>> 250 RAA14332 Message accepted for delivery
imput: delivery succeeded.
Nakamuraさん> 別のサーバでも同じ問題が出るでしょうか?
**********以下 imput --debug=on で得られたメッセージ
imput: setting debug level all=1
imput: can't open mail-aliases file: /home/toru/.im/Aliases
imput: can't open host-aliases file: /home/toru/.hostaliases
imput: message accepted.
imput: NNTP disabled (header format is not fit).
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: To: taniguchi at example.com
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: code conversion from ascii
imput:DEBUG: encoding structured: taniguchi at example.com
imput:DEBUG: encoded structured: taniguchi at example.com
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: To: taniguchi at example.com
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Subject: test
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: code conversion from ascii
imput:DEBUG: encoding unstructured: test
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Subject: test
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: X-Mailer: Mew version 1.92 on Emacs
19.28 / Mule 2.3 (SUETSUMUHANA)
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: code conversion from ascii
imput:DEBUG: encoding unstructured: Mew version 1.92 on Emacs 19.28 /
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: X-Mailer: Mew version 1.92 on Emacs
19.28 / Mule 2.3 (SUETSUMUHANA)
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Mime-Version: 1.0
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: code conversion from ascii
imput:DEBUG: encoding unstructured: 1.0
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Mime-Version: 1.0
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Content-Type: Text/Plain;
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: code conversion from ascii
imput:DEBUG: encoding unstructured: Text/Plain; charset=iso-2022-jp
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Content-Type: Text/Plain;
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: code conversion from ascii
imput:DEBUG: encoding unstructured: 7bit
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
imput:DEBUG: adding header> Message-Id:
<19980113163417W.g97p0639 at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: adding header> Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 16:34:17 +0900
imput:DEBUG: conv_iso2022jp: TANIGUCHI Toru <g97p0639 at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: source is ascii
imput:DEBUG: encoding structured: TANIGUCHI Toru
<g97p0639 at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: encoded structured: TANIGUCHI Toru <g97p0639 at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: Sender: TANIGUCHI Toru <g97p0639 at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: adding header> From: TANIGUCHI Toru
<g97p0639 at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: adding header> ORIGINAL To: : taniguchi at example.com
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(in): taniguchi at example.com
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(out): taniguchi at example.com
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(in): taniguchi at example.com
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(out): taniguchi at example.com
imput:DEBUG: rewrite: taniguchi at example.com =>
taniguchi at example.com
imput:DEBUG: adding header> ORIGINAL From: : TANIGUCHI Toru
<g97p0639 at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(in): TANIGUCHI Toru <g97p0639 at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(out): TANIGUCHI Toru <g97p0639 at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(in): TANIGUCHI Toru <g97p0639 at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(out): TANIGUCHI Toru <g97p0639 at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: rewrite: g97p0639 at example.com => TANIGUCHI Toru
<g97p0639 at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(in): taniguchi at example.com
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(out): taniguchi at example.com
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(in): taniguchi at example.com
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(out): taniguchi at example.com
imput:DEBUG: adding to recipients: <taniguchi at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: adding header> X-Dispatcher: imput version 971024
imput:DEBUG: adding header> Lines: 17
imput: opening smtp session to mn-mail.mn.waseda.ac.jp(25).
imput:DEBUG: handle tcp00 allocated.
imput: >>> 220 wise19.mn.waseda.ac.jp ESMTP Sendmail 8.8.6/3.6Wbeta5;
Tue, 13 Jan 1998 16:33:54 +0900 (JST)
imput: <<< EHLO localhost
imput: >>> 250-wise19.mn.waseda.ac.jp Hello pc023007.ppp.waseda.ac.jp
[], pleased to meet you
imput: >>> 250-8BITMIME
imput: >>> 250-SIZE 1048576
imput: >>> 250-DSN
imput: >>> 250-ONEX
imput: >>> 250-ETRN
imput: >>> 250-XUSR
imput: >>> 250 HELP
imput: <<< MAIL FROM:<g97p0639 at example.com>
imput: >>> 250 <g97p0639 at example.com>... Sender ok
imput: <<< RCPT TO:<taniguchi at example.com>
imput: >>> 250 <taniguchi at example.com>... Recipient ok
imput: <<< DATA
imput: >>> 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
imput:DEBUG: entering put_header
imput:DEBUG: |To: taniguchi at example.com
imput:DEBUG: |Subject: test
imput:DEBUG: |X-Mailer: Mew version 1.92 on Emacs 19.28 / Mule 2.3
imput:DEBUG: |Mime-Version: 1.0
imput:DEBUG: |Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=iso-2022-jp
imput:DEBUG: |Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
imput:DEBUG: |Message-Id: <19980113163417W.g97p0639 at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: |Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 16:34:17 +0900
imput:DEBUG: |From: TANIGUCHI Toru <g97p0639 at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: |X-Dispatcher: imput version 971024
imput:DEBUG: |Lines: 17
imput:DEBUG: put_header finished: no error
imput:DEBUG: entering put_body
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: |(以下メール本文)
imput:DEBUG: |(中略)
imput:DEBUG: |(以上メール本文)
imput:DEBUG: put_body finished: no error
imput: <<< .
_/_/ TANIGUCHI Toru ; 谷口 徹 _/_/
_/_/ 早稲田大学理工学部情報学科 _/_/
_/_/ g97p0639 at example.com _/_/
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内