[Mew-dist 05668] audio
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
1998年 7月 27日 (月) 17:01:29 JST
auido の件ですが、以下のパッチをまっつさらな b49 に当てて下さい。UNIX
/dev/audio のある UNIX で試して下さい。僕はマイクがないので試せません
Index: mew-attach.el
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew-attach.el,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -c -r1.38 mew-attach.el
*** mew-attach.el 1998/07/26 11:24:12 1.38
--- mew-attach.el 1998/07/27 08:01:04
*** 46,51 ****
--- 46,52 ----
(while (<= begin end)
(if (and (/= begin 27)
(/= begin ?\C-u)
+ (/= begin ?\C-g)
(null (lookup-key mew-draft-attach-map (char-to-string begin))))
(define-key mew-draft-attach-map
(char-to-string begin) 'mew-attach-dummy))
*** 433,439 ****
(let* ((nums (mew-attach-nums))
(subdir (mew-attach-expand-path mew-encode-syntax nums))
(mimedir (mew-expand-folder (mew-draft-to-mime (buffer-name))))
! file filepath)
;; mimedir / {subdir/} dir
(if (not (equal subdir ""))
(setq mimedir (expand-file-name subdir mimedir)))
--- 434,440 ----
(let* ((nums (mew-attach-nums))
(subdir (mew-attach-expand-path mew-encode-syntax nums))
(mimedir (mew-expand-folder (mew-draft-to-mime (buffer-name))))
! file filepath recorded)
;; mimedir / {subdir/} dir
(if (not (equal subdir ""))
(setq mimedir (expand-file-name subdir mimedir)))
*** 446,467 ****
(condition-case nil
! (while (not (y-or-n-p "Are you ready? ")) ())
! (message "Type C-g to finish recording...")
! (mew-plet
! (apply (function call-process)
! nil t nil
! (nth 0 mew-prog-audio)
! (nth 1 mew-prog-audio))))
! (quit (message "Type C-g to finish recording... done.")))
! (mew-flet
! (write-region (point-min) (point-max) filepath nil 'no-msg)))
! (setq mew-encode-syntax
! (mew-syntax-insert-entry
! mew-encode-syntax
! nums
! (mew-encode-syntax-single file mew-type-ado
! nil nil nil nil 'cdp)))
(mew-encode-syntax-print mew-encode-syntax)))))
--- 447,472 ----
(condition-case nil
! (if (not (y-or-n-p "Are you ready? "))
! (message "Nothing is recoded.")
! (message "Type C-g to finish recording...")
! (mew-plet
! (apply (function call-process)
! (nth 0 mew-prog-audio2)
! nil t nil
! (nth 1 mew-prog-audio2)))))
! (quit
! (message "Type C-g to finish recording... done.")
! (setq recorded t)
! (mew-flet
! (write-region (point-min) (point-max) filepath nil 'no-msg)))))
! (if recorded
! (setq mew-encode-syntax ;; buffer local
! (mew-syntax-insert-entry
! mew-encode-syntax
! nums
! (mew-encode-syntax-single file mew-type-ado
! nil nil nil 'cdp))))
(mew-encode-syntax-print mew-encode-syntax)))))
Index: mew-unix.el
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew-unix.el,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -c -r1.9 mew-unix.el
*** mew-unix.el 1998/07/02 05:23:12 1.9
--- mew-unix.el 1998/07/27 08:01:04
*** 17,22 ****
--- 17,24 ----
(defvar mew-prog-text '(mew-mime-text/plain () nil))
(defvar mew-prog-audio
(list mew-prog-shell (list mew-prog-shell-arg "cat - > /dev/audio") nil))
+ (defvar mew-prog-audio2
+ (list mew-prog-shell (list mew-prog-shell-arg "cat < /dev/audio") nil))
(defvar mew-prog-gif (if (and window-system mew-xemacs-p
(valid-image-instantiator-format-p 'gif))
'(mew-mime-image/gif () nil)
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内