[Mew-dist 04157] Re: b24

Yoshinori Sakamoto/ 坂本佳則 yosino-s at example.com
1998年 3月 11日 (水) 12:09:28 JST


From: Shigeya Suzuki <shigeya at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 04156] Re: b24
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 12:00:03 +0900

> >>>>> "Takashi.Murata" == Murata Takashi <Takashi.Murata at example.com> writes:
> TakashiMurata>   おそらくこのためと思いますが、数字だけのフォルダに
> TakashiMurata> completion出来なくなりました。雑多なメールを +9803 とい
> TakashiMurata> うようなフォルダに移動しますが、こういう場合は救えない
> TakashiMurata> でしょうか?
> 一票。とても困ります。。
> configurable にしてほしい。
> shigeya


---- mew-vars.el ----------

(defvar mew-folder-list-skip-pattern "^\\(\\.\\.?\\|^[0-9]+\\)$"
  "If a file-name matches this pattern, mew-folder-list function never
consider it as a folder without checking it's file-type.

Default is \"^\\\\(\\\\.\\\\.?\\\\|^[0-9]+\\\\)$\", and it assumes
you never have numeric folders like \"+foo/199803\".
If you have such numeric folders, \"^\\\\.\\\\.?\" is a good selection,
but it is not good in sight of performance.
If numeric folders assume dates, folders like \"+foo/Mar-1998\" are
better solution other than like \"+foo/199803\".")

_      _ 
‖\    ‖ - Nara Prefectural Institute of Industrial Technology -+
‖ 奈良県工業技術センター 【坂本佳則】<yosino-s at example.com>|
‖    \‖IIT     Boldly go where no one has gone before....   | 
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