[Mew-dist 04275] Re: mew-1.93b26.tar.gz
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
Kazu at example.com
1998年 3月 24日 (火) 22:18:06 JST
From: Maybe TABOO <y-koga at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 04271] Re: mew-1.93b26.tar.gz
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 21:55:26 +0900
> バーストできなくなりました。
Index: mew-decode.el
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/mew/mew-decode.el,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -c -r1.14 mew-decode.el
*** mew-decode.el 1998/03/24 08:39:21 1.14
--- mew-decode.el 1998/03/24 13:23:56
*** 385,391 ****
! (if (not (equal mew-ct-msg ct)) (mew-syntax-set-end syntax (point-max)))
(if encap
;; Mew allows text/plain and multipart/* for body.
;; If other CT: is embedded under message, it should be
--- 385,393 ----
! (if (and (null edit) (equal mew-ct-msg ct))
! ()
! (mew-syntax-set-end syntax (point-max)))
(if encap
;; Mew allows text/plain and multipart/* for body.
;; If other CT: is embedded under message, it should be
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内