[Mew-dist 06226] Re: Problem Report: mew-temp-dir is re-initialized when mew-status-update
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
1998年 9月 1日 (火) 11:27:11 JST
From: Makoto MATSUSHITA (まつしたまこと) <matusita at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 06223] Problem Report: mew-temp-dir is re-initialized when mew-status-update
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 10:53:09 +0900
> ために,mew-status-update をするたびに /tmp 以下にぼこぼこ directory が
> 発生します.
Index: mew-vars.el
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew-vars.el,v
retrieving revision 1.76
retrieving revision 1.77
diff -c -r1.76 -r1.77
*** mew-vars.el 1998/08/24 14:45:42 1.76
--- mew-vars.el 1998/08/31 22:51:33 1.77
*** 934,940 ****
"*A list of face symbol name to highlight header.
Each name should be 'mew-highlight-header-face-xxx'.
! Each face will be created from 'mew-highlight-header-sytel-xxx' and
'mew-highlight-header-color-xxx'. These faces can be used in
--- 934,940 ----
"*A list of face symbol name to highlight header.
Each name should be 'mew-highlight-header-face-xxx'.
! Each face will be created from 'mew-highlight-header-style-xxx' and
'mew-highlight-header-color-xxx'. These faces can be used in
*** 964,970 ****
"*A list of face symbol name to highlight body.
Each name should be 'mew-highlight-body-face-xxx'.
! Each face will be created from 'mew-highlight-body-sytel-xxx' and
'mew-highlight-body-color-xxx'. These faces can be used in
--- 964,970 ----
"*A list of face symbol name to highlight body.
Each name should be 'mew-highlight-body-face-xxx'.
! Each face will be created from 'mew-highlight-body-style-xxx' and
'mew-highlight-body-color-xxx'. These faces can be used in
*** 985,991 ****
"*A list of face symbol name to highlight marked lines.
Each name should be 'mew-highlight-mark-face-xxx'.
! Each face will be created from 'mew-highlight-mark-sytel-xxx' and
'mew-highlight-mark-color-xxx'. These faces can be used in
--- 985,991 ----
"*A list of face symbol name to highlight marked lines.
Each name should be 'mew-highlight-mark-face-xxx'.
! Each face will be created from 'mew-highlight-mark-style-xxx' and
'mew-highlight-mark-color-xxx'. These faces can be used in
Index: mew.el
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew.el,v
retrieving revision 1.112
retrieving revision 1.113
diff -c -r1.112 -r1.113
*** mew.el 1998/08/31 03:38:16 1.112
--- mew.el 1998/09/01 02:18:23 1.113
*** 85,91 ****
(mew-status-update t)
(message "Setting Mew world ... done"))
! (defun mew-set-environment ()
(let (error-message)
(condition-case nil
--- 85,91 ----
(mew-status-update t)
(message "Setting Mew world ... done"))
! (defun mew-set-environment (&optional no-dir)
(let (error-message)
(condition-case nil
*** 98,104 ****
(if (setq error-message (mew-config-init)) (error ""))
;; initializing
! (mew-temp-dir-init)
(set-buffer mew-buffer-hello)
--- 98,104 ----
(if (setq error-message (mew-config-init)) (error ""))
;; initializing
! (and no-dir (mew-temp-dir-init))
(set-buffer mew-buffer-hello)
*** 117,123 ****
(interactive "P")
(message "Updating status ... ")
! (if (interactive-p) (mew-set-environment))
(if arg (mew-folder-setup nil (interactive-p)))
--- 117,123 ----
(interactive "P")
(message "Updating status ... ")
! (if (interactive-p) (mew-set-environment 'no-dir))
(if arg (mew-folder-setup nil (interactive-p)))
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内