[Mew-dist 06295] (mew-release) Mew 1.93 stable release
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
1998年 9月 5日 (土) 08:28:34 JST
Good morning!
About one year has passed since the previous stable release of Mew
1.92. During those days, volunteers for Mew 1.93 beta walked on a very
long road. It was bumpy but worth walking on.
I'm happy to announce the stable release of Mew 1.93 with IM 100. The
differences between 1.92 and 1.93 is enclosed later. In short, Mew
1.93 is much faster, much more stable and much more elegant then
before. It's high time to migrate to this release.
The author of Mew hereby expresses deep gratitude to each and everyone
of beta testers. Without their help, this work could not come true.
<Differences between 1.93 and 1.92>
* Copyright of Mew conforms ``AS IS'' instead of GPL2.
* Mew now supports IMAP4 and qmail mailbox.
* immv, imrm, and imclean are implemented by Elisp. So, "x" in Summary
mode became much faster. Other commands became faster as well.
* Multipart format in Summary mode and Draft mode are integrated.
* Neat support for IM Config. Please refer to info for more information.
* mew-opt-highlight-* -> mew-use-highlight-*.
* mew-field-{,in}visible were obsoleted. Use mew-field-spec instead.
* Hankaku kana is converted into zenkaku kana if exists.
* Safely ignores unknown charset in a header.
* message/partial and text/html are supported.
* Ad-hoc PGP 5 support.
* Content-Disposition: support.
* Neat reporting mechanism of PGP/MIME.
* Many many bug fixes.
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内