[Mew-dist 06495] Re: mew-refile-ctrl-multi
sen_ml at example.com
sen_ml at example.com
1998年 9月 19日 (土) 13:26:25 JST
At around Sat, 19 Sep 1998 01:01:23 +0900,
Yoshinari NOMURA <nom at example.com> may have mentioned:
> > > i tried 'o' on a number of messages in summary mode, but i continue
> > > to get only a single candidate.
> >
> > The author of mew-refile will get married tomorrow. As you guess, he
> > probably want to escape from the Internet community for a while (a
> > half of year, maybe). So, I'm afraid that he will not answer your
> > question for a while. :-)
> Execuse me, I'm still alive.
glad to hear it! congratulations, btw.
> Sen, If you want all candidates, try to remove
> "mew-refile-ctrl-throw" from your mew-refile-guess-control
thanks! i tried this and i am now getting multiple candidates.
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