[Mew-dist 08572] line end code of error notification
Gorochan ^o^
kunito at example.com
1999年 4月 15日 (木) 23:42:01 JST
最近 研究室の Mail HUB の MTA を qmail-1.03 に変えました。
qmail-smtpd は行末が LF の行があると文句を言って受け付けてくれません。
im-114+mew-1.94b21 で通常のメールは問題なく送れるのですが、News の投稿
Message-ID が不正な記事を投稿しようとするとつぎのようになります。
imput: can't open host-aliases file: /home/kunito/.hostaliases, ignored.
imput: message accepted.
imput: creating file: /home/kunito/Mail/Fcc/10810
imput: add to history: +Fcc/10810
imput: opening nntp session to news.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp(119).
imput: >>> 200 news.hal InterNetNews NNRP server INN 2.2 21-Jan-1999 ready (posting ok).
imput: <<< POST
imput: >>> 340 Ok
imput: <<< .
imput: >>> 441 435 Bad Message-ID
imput: (while talking to news.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp with nntp)
441 435 Bad Message-ID
imput: closing NNTP session.
imput: <<< QUIT
imput: >>> 205 .
imput: ERROR: delivery failed.
imput: opening smtp session to mailhost(25).
imput: >>> 220 mailhost.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp ESMTP
imput: <<< EHLO localhost
imput: >>> 250-mailhost.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
imput: >>> 250-PIPELINING
imput: >>> 250 8BITMIME
imput: <<< MAIL FROM:<>
imput: >>> 250 ok
imput: <<< RCPT TO:<kunito at example.com>
imput: >>> 250 ok
imput: <<< DATA
imput: >>> 354 go ahead
imput: <<< .
imput: >>> 451 See http://pobox.com/~djb/docs/smtplf.html.
imput: closing SMTP session.
imput: <<< QUIT
imput: >>>
imput: Draft file 12 preserved.
imput --group=hal.test --debug --verbose < ~/Mail/draft/12
のようにした際の出力、およびConfig を添付します。
debug 出力は行末は CR LF になっているようなのですが、どこか設定の見落
Hasta la vista, baby! ============================ kunito at example.com
國頭 吾郎%羽鳥・相澤研究室@東大・工・電子情報工 Tel. 03-3812-2111 ext 6761
-------------- next part --------------
imput: setting debug level all=1
imput:DEBUG: mail alias file /home/kunito/.im/Aliases opened
imput: can't open host-aliases file: /home/kunito/.hostaliases, ignored.
imput: message accepted.
imput:DEBUG: adding header> Newsgroups: hal.test
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Newsgroups: hal.test
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Newsgroups: hal.test
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Message-Id: <19990415214709T.test at example.com@madoka.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Message-Id: <19990415214709T.test at example.com@madoka.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Subject: Illegal Message ID test
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Subject: Illegal Message ID test
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Fcc: +Fcc
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Fcc: +Fcc
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: X-Mailer: Mew version 1.94b21 on Emacs 19.30 / Mule 2.3
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: X-Mailer: Mew version 1.94b21 on Emacs 19.30 / Mule 2.3
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: X-fingerprint: 5D 3D E7 41 A1 43 9A 55 D3 97 05 D2 84 0D AB 24
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: X-fingerprint: 5D 3D E7 41 A1 43 9A 55 D3 97 05 D2 84 0D AB 24
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: X-URL: http://www.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~kunito/
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: X-URL: http://www.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~kunito/
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Mime-Version: 1.0
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Mime-Version: 1.0
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=us-ascii
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=us-ascii
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
imput:DEBUG: adding header> Date: 15 Apr 1999 23:23:20 +0900 (JST)
imput:DEBUG: encoding structured: Gorochan ^o^ <kunito at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: encoded structured: Gorochan ^o^ <kunito at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: Sender: Gorochan ^o^ <kunito at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: adding header> From: Gorochan ^o^ <kunito at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: adding header> ORIGINAL From: Gorochan ^o^ <kunito at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(in): Gorochan ^o^ <kunito at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(out): Gorochan ^o^ <kunito at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(in): Gorochan ^o^ <kunito at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(out): Gorochan ^o^ <kunito at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: searching hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp by host alias file.
imput:DEBUG: rewrite: kunito at example.com => Gorochan ^o^ <kunito at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: adding header> X-Dispatcher: imput version 990405(IM114)
imput:DEBUG: killing Fcc: +Fcc
imput:DEBUG: adding header> Lines: 5
imput: opening nntp session to news.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp(119).
imput:DEBUG: handle tcp00 allocated.
imput: >>> 200 news.hal InterNetNews NNRP server INN 2.2 21-Jan-1999 ready (posting ok).
imput: <<< POST
imput: >>> 340 Ok
imput:DEBUG: entering put_header (all)
imput:DEBUG: |Newsgroups: hal.test
imput:DEBUG: |Message-Id: <19990415214709T.test at example.com@madoka.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
imput:DEBUG: |Subject: Illegal Message ID test
imput:DEBUG: |X-Mailer: Mew version 1.94b21 on Emacs 19.30 / Mule 2.3
imput:DEBUG: |X-fingerprint: 5D 3D E7 41 A1 43 9A 55 D3 97 05 D2 84 0D AB 24
imput:DEBUG: |X-URL: http://www.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~kunito/
imput:DEBUG: |Mime-Version: 1.0
imput:DEBUG: |Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=us-ascii
imput:DEBUG: |Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
imput:DEBUG: |Date: 15 Apr 1999 23:23:20 +0900 (JST)
imput:DEBUG: |From: Gorochan ^o^ <kunito at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: |X-Dispatcher: imput version 990405(IM114)
imput:DEBUG: |Lines: 5
imput:DEBUG: put_header finished: no error
imput:DEBUG: entering put_body
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: |This is test for Bad Message-ID.
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: put_body finished: no error
imput: <<< .
imput: >>> 441 435 Bad Message-ID
imput: (while talking to news.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp with nntp)
441 435 Bad Message-ID
imput: closing NNTP session.
imput: <<< QUIT
imput: >>> 205 .
imput: ERROR: delivery failed.
imput: opening smtp session to mailhost(25).
imput:DEBUG: handle tcp01 allocated.
imput: >>> 220 mailhost.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp ESMTP
imput: <<< EHLO localhost
imput: >>> 250-mailhost.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
imput: >>> 250-PIPELINING
imput: >>> 250 8BITMIME
imput: <<< MAIL FROM:<>
imput: >>> 250 ok
imput: <<< RCPT TO:<kunito at example.com>
imput: >>> 250 ok
imput: <<< DATA
imput: >>> 354 go ahead
imput:DEBUG: entering put_header (original)
imput:DEBUG: |X-Newsgroups: hal.test
imput:DEBUG: |Message-Id: <19990415214709T.test at example.com@madoka.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
imput:DEBUG: |Subject: Illegal Message ID test
imput:DEBUG: |X-Mailer: Mew version 1.94b21 on Emacs 19.30 / Mule 2.3
imput:DEBUG: |X-fingerprint: 5D 3D E7 41 A1 43 9A 55 D3 97 05 D2 84 0D AB 24
imput:DEBUG: |X-URL: http://www.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~kunito/
imput:DEBUG: |Mime-Version: 1.0
imput:DEBUG: |Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=us-ascii
imput:DEBUG: |Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
imput:DEBUG: |Date: 15 Apr 1999 23:23:20 +0900 (JST)
imput:DEBUG: |From: Gorochan ^o^ <kunito at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: |X-Dispatcher: imput version 990405(IM114)
imput:DEBUG: |Lines: 5
imput:DEBUG: put_header finished: no error
imput:DEBUG: entering put_body
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: |This is test for Bad Message-ID.
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: put_body finished: no error
imput: <<< .
imput: >>> 451 See http://pobox.com/~djb/docs/smtplf.html.
imput: closing SMTP session.
imput: <<< QUIT
imput: >>>
imput:DEBUG: FCC with no spliting.
imput:DEBUG: FCC style: File
imput:DEBUG: FCC file: /home/kunito/.im/dead.letter
imput:DEBUG: entering put_header (original)
imput:DEBUG: |Newsgroups: hal.test
imput:DEBUG: |Message-Id: <19990415214709T.test at example.com@madoka.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
imput:DEBUG: |Subject: Illegal Message ID test
imput:DEBUG: |X-Mailer: Mew version 1.94b21 on Emacs 19.30 / Mule 2.3
imput:DEBUG: |X-fingerprint: 5D 3D E7 41 A1 43 9A 55 D3 97 05 D2 84 0D AB 24
imput:DEBUG: |X-URL: http://www.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~kunito/
imput:DEBUG: |Mime-Version: 1.0
imput:DEBUG: |Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=us-ascii
imput:DEBUG: |Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
imput:DEBUG: |Date: 15 Apr 1999 23:23:20 +0900 (JST)
imput:DEBUG: |From: Gorochan ^o^ <kunito at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: |X-Dispatcher: imput version 990405(IM114)
imput:DEBUG: |Lines: 5
imput:DEBUG: put_header finished: no error
imput:DEBUG: entering put_body
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: |This is test for Bad Message-ID.
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: put_body finished: no error
imput: Message was saved in dead.letter
-------------- next part --------------
### Sample ~/.im/Config
### Syntax::
### key=value
### * "key=value" is equivalent to "--key=value" style command option.
### * "key" must start at the beginning of the line.
### * "=" must follow after "key" without white spaces.
### * White spaces are allowed between "=" and "value".
### * ":" can be used instead of "=".
### * Characters after "#" are ignored.
### The following examples are all the same:
### key=value
### key= value
### key:value
### key: value
### $variable will be expanded.
### '~' will be expanded.
## Individual information
Address=kunito at example.com
Name=Gorochan ^o^ # commentary name for my mail address
#Org=The Mew Organization # for news posting
## Default global parameters
### Directories (relative to ~/)
NewsDir=News # for saved news
### Folders in $MailDir
InboxFolder=+inbox # default destination of imget
TrashFolder=+trash # default destination of message removal in Mew
### Folder style in $NewsDir (saved news articles)
#PreserveDot=off # off: /news/group/, on: /news.group/
### Mode for creation
### To keep state of IM commands (CurrentFolder, etc.)
#ContextFile=Context # relative to ~/.im/
## Default settings
## Mail address aliases
AliasesFile=Aliases # relative to ~/.im/
## PetName: mail address aliases for displaying
PetnameFile=Petnames # relative to ~/.im/
## Message-ID database
MsgDBFile=msgiddb # location (relative to ~/.im/)
MsgDBType=NDBM # type of database (DB, NDBM, SDBM)
## To call user defined subroutines (relative to ~/.im/)
#GetSbr=get.sbr # hooks for imget
#ScanSbr=scan.sbr # hooks for imget/imls
## Working folders
#Src=$InboxFolder # default source of most commands
#Imrm.Src=$TrashFolder # default source for message cleanups
## imget/imls specific
ScanSbr=scan.sbr # hook for special processing (rel. to ~/.im/)
#Form=%+5n %m%d %-14A %-18S %b # default format for scanning
Form=%5n %m%d[%h:%E%3z] %-16A %S 【%b
#Form=%+5n %m%d %-14A %-18S %b # default format for scanning
#AllowCRLF=no # saved messages may contain CRLF (DOS style)
#Width=80 # default width for scanning
JisSafe=on # escape seq. of JIS char. should be managed
Indent=2 # indent step for threading
## Servers
#Smtpservers=sachiko,localhost,mailhost,arisa # default server for SMTP
Smtpservers=mailhost # default server for SMTP
#EmgSmtpSvrs=,localhost # SMTP server just for error return
NntpServers=news.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp # default server for NNTP
## imget specific
#GetSbr=get.sbr # hook for special processing (rel. to ~/.im/)
#Imget.Src=local # default source of imget (local mailbox)
#lock=flock # locking style of local mailbox
#rpath=append # conversion of UNIX From into Return-Path:
#PopHistory=pophist # to save last state (relative to ~/.im/)
NntpHistory=newshist # to save last state (relative to ~/.im/)
#MBoxStyle=qmail # if folder style mbox of qmail is used
#Imget.Src=local:${HOME}/MailDir# in case of qmail
#PopAccount=/APOP at example.com # account info for POP access
PopAccount=/APOP:kunito at example.com # account info for POP access
#PopAccount=user/APOP at example.com # account info with user name
#PopAccount=user/APOP at example.com/110 # account info with user name and port number
#Keep=7 # preserve read messages on server
#ProtoKeep=UIDL # how to know which message is unread
#ImapAccount=@localhost/AUTH # account info for IMAP access
#ImapAccount=user at example.com/AUTH # account info with user name
HttpProxy=proxy:3128 # proxy server for HTTP access
#NoProxy=http://.*my.domain/ # URL regex not to use Proxy server
UsePwAgent=yes # use password agent
#PwAgentPort=6543 # Port to connect pwagent with TCP/IP
#PwAgentPort=65432 # Port to connect pwagent with TCP/IP
PwAgentPort=0 # Port to connect pwagent with TCP/IP
# (Insecure for multi-user system!)
# 0 to use UNIX domain socket (more secure)
# be careful on security if you wish to use PwFiles!
#UsePwFiles=yes # use password files
#PwFiles=password # password files (relative to ~/.im/)
## imput specific
#FccDir=$MailDir # directory for FCC folders
QueueDir=~/.im/queue # directory for to store messages to be sent
#MsgIdDomain=${HOST} # if you want to use FQDN of dispatching host
#ObeyMTAdomain=yes # do not append domainpart to addresses by imput
#NoMsgIdForNews=yes # do not insert Message-Id: when posting as news
#NewsGMTdate=yes # use GMT for Date: when posting as news
#noJPheader # do not encode ISO-2022-JP with RFC2047
#Defcode=EUC # default code in case no way to judge SJIS/EUCj
#JPconv=yes # convert SJIS/EUCj to ISO-2022-JP
#NoHdrFolding=yes # do not fold long header line when encoding
#HdrQEncoding=yes # use Q-encoding to encode ISO-2022-JP
#NameInComment=yes # yes: (Full Name) Addr, no: Full Name <Addr>
#Lines=3000 # unit to split a message to partial
#Annotate=yes # annotate on parent messages (MsgDB required)
# Common operational settings
#case mew
#case queue
#case news
#Assoc= +inbox=nntp:fj.mail.system.sendmail;\
# +inbox=nntp:fj.mail
case qmail
MBoxStyle=qmail # if folder style mbox of qmail is used
Imget.Src=local:${HOME}/Maildir # in case of qmail
case default
# -- global setting again --
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内