[Mew-dist 09929] mew-sig.el
sen_ml at example.com
sen_ml at example.com
1999年 8月 2日 (月) 19:19:39 JST
(pseudo) random に signature を選んで挿入するコードを書いてみました。
ほとんど、`mew-draft-insert-signature' を「ちょこっ」といじっただけのものです。
~/.signatures というディレクトリを作成し、その下に signature file を
# 入れるファイルは一つだけでもいいですけど、全然楽しくないと思います。
.emacs に:
(add-hook 'mew-init-hook (lambda () (require 'mew-sig)))
を入れて、keybinding が欲しい人は:
(add-hook 'mew-draft-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(define-key mew-draft-mode-map
"\C-c\t" 'mew-draft-insert-random-sig)))
# C-c TAB は既に使用されているので、mew-draft-insert-random-sig には他の
key sequence がいいかもしれません。候補受付中 (^^)
# こんな感じのものがもうあったりして・・・
-------------- next part --------------
;;; mew-sig.el -- insert a signature chosen randomly from files in a directory
;;; Author: "Sen Nagata" <sen at example.com>
;;; Version: 0.2
;;; Important Note: `mew-draft-insert-random-sig' is a modified version of
;;; `mew-draft-insert-signature' from mew-draft.el
;;; Commentary:
;; required elisp packages:
;; -mew (tested for 1.93)
;; installation:
;; -put this file in an appropriate directory (so emacs can find it)
;; -put:
;; (add-hook 'mew-init-hook (lambda () (require 'mew-sig)))
;; in your .emacs files.
;; -create a directory called .signatures in your home directory
;; and place files containing a signature each within.
;; usage:
;; -invoke `mew-draft-insert-random-sig' when in draft-mode to
;; insert a signature.
;; -if you'd like to bind a key sequence to `mew-draft-insert-random-sig',
;; (e.g. C-c TAB), put:
;; (add-hook 'mew-draft-mode-hook
;; (lambda ()
;; (define-key mew-draft-mode-map
;; "\C-c\t" 'mew-draft-insert-random-sig)))
;; in your .emacs. note that C-c TAB is the key sequence for a command
;; which already exists (mew-draft-insert-signature), so if you use that
;; command, you might want to choose another key sequence.
;;; History:
;; 0.2
;; 1999-08-02:
;; modified `mew-sig-choose-file-randomly-from-dir' to return a list of
;; absolute filenames -- also fixed the bug found on 1999-08-01.
;; modified `mew-draft-insert-signature' to reflect the change in
;; `mew-sig-choose-file-randomly-from-dir'.
;; 1999-08-01:
;; found bug in `mew-sig-choose-file-randomly-from-dir' -- it should not
;; return directory names.
;; 0.1
;; 1999-07-31:
;; initial implementation
;;; Code:
;; is this really necessary?
(require 'mew))
(defconst mew-sig-version "mew-sig.el 0.2")
(defvar mew-sig-dir (expand-file-name "~/.signatures/"))
;; this function is probably useful in other contexts -- i'd rather name it
;; 'filter', but there might be namespace problems, so i didn't.
(defun mew-sig-filter (function sequence)
"Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQUENCE, and make a list of the non-nil results. The result is a list which might have a length which is shorter than SEQUENCE. SEQUENCE may be a list."
(delq nil (mapcar function sequence)))
(defun mew-sig-choose-file-randomly-from-dir (directory)
(let* ((file-list
(lambda (x)
(if (file-regular-p x)
;; decided to return a list of absolute filenames
;(file-name-nondirectory x)
(directory-files directory t)))
(index (truncate (random (length file-list)))))
(nth index file-list)))
(defun mew-draft-insert-random-sig ()
"Insert a random signature file contained in directory mew-sig-dir.
If attachments exist and mew-signature-as-lastpart is *non-nil*,
the file is attached to the last part. Otherwise, the file is
inserted into the body. If mew-signature-insert-last is *non-nil*,
the file is inserted to the end of the body. Otherwise, inserted
the cursor position."
(let ((sigfile
(mew-sig-choose-file-randomly-from-dir mew-sig-dir)))
(if (not (file-exists-p sigfile))
(message "No signature file %s" sigfile)
(if (and (mew-attach-p) mew-signature-as-lastpart)
(goto-char (point-max))
(forward-line -2)
(mew-attach-copy sigfile "Signature")
(mew-attach-disposition "") ;; nil is NG.
(mew-attach-description mew-signature-description)
(if mew-signature-insert-last
(if (null (mew-attach-p))
(goto-char (point-max))
(goto-char (mew-attach-begin))
(forward-line -1)
(insert "\n")))
(insert-file-contents sigfile)
;; initialize random number seed -- should i do this here?
(random t)
(provide 'mew-sig)
;; mew-sig.el ends here
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内