[Mew-dist 10294] Re: mew-fromme-to-list
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
1999年 8月 20日 (金) 18:42:42 JST
From: Takuro Horikawa <takuroho at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 10282] Re: mew-fromme-to-list
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 16:43:50 +0900
> で、to の場合も cc と似たような処理にした所、自分が消えてくれました。
b52 にこのパッチを当てて試して下さい。
-------------- next part --------------
Index: mew-draft.el
RCS file: /usr/home/kazu/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew-draft.el,v
retrieving revision 1.130
diff -c -r1.130 mew-draft.el
*** mew-draft.el 1999/08/18 04:04:49 1.130
--- mew-draft.el 1999/08/20 09:51:47
*** 539,598 ****
(insert comma adr)
(insert ",\n\t" adr))))
(defun mew-draft-header (&optional subject nl to cc newsgroups in-reply-to references other-headers)
;; to -- string or list
;; cc -- string or list
;; nl -- one empty line under "----", which is necessary if
;; attachment is prepared
! (let ((del (mew-get-my-address-regex-list))
! ;; deleting list for Cc:
! (tf to) c cep body) ;; to is used in last
(goto-char (point-min))
;; Insert To: first.
;; All addresses inserted on To: are appended to del.
! ((null tf) (insert mew-to: " \n"))
! ((stringp tf)
! ;; Don't check tf is mine. Cc: is also string
! ;; We believe that user never specifies the same address of To: to Cc:
! ;; So, not add to to del.
! (insert mew-to: " " tf "\n"))
;; To: collected by reply
! ((listp tf)
! (insert mew-to: " " (car tf))
! (setq del (cons (concat "^" (regexp-quote (car tf)) "$") del))
! (while tf
! (setq c (car tf) tf (cdr tf))
! (if (mew-is-my-address del c)
! ()
! (mew-insert-address c)
! (setq del (cons (concat "^" (regexp-quote c) "$") del))))
! (insert "\n")))
((null cc) ()) ;; do nothing
! ;; Cc: inputed from the mini-buffer.
! ((stringp cc)
! (insert mew-cc: " " cc "\n"))
! ;; Cc: collected by reply.
! ((listp cc)
! ;; find the first Cc: value since this is preceding by Cc:
! (catch 'first
! (while cc
! (setq c (car cc) cc (cdr cc))
! (if (mew-is-my-address del c)
! ()
! (insert mew-cc: " " c)
! (setq del (cons (concat "^" (regexp-quote c) "$") del))
! (setq cep t)
! (throw 'first nil))))
! ;; insert the second or more Cc: preceding ",\n\t"
! (while cc
! (setq c (car cc) cc (cdr cc))
! (if (mew-is-my-address del c)
! ()
! (mew-insert-address c)
! (setq del (cons (concat "^" (regexp-quote c) "$") del))))
! (if cep (insert "\n"))))
(mew-draft-header-insert mew-newsgroups: newsgroups)
(mew-draft-header-insert mew-cc: mew-cc)
(mew-draft-header-insert mew-subj: (or subject ""))
--- 539,589 ----
(insert comma adr)
(insert ",\n\t" adr))))
+ (defun mew-insert-address-list (field adrs del)
+ (let (adr fep)
+ (catch 'first
+ (while adrs
+ (setq adr (car adrs) adrs (cdr adrs))
+ (if (mew-is-my-address del adr)
+ ()
+ (insert field " " adr)
+ (setq del (cons (concat "^" (regexp-quote adr) "$") del))
+ (setq fep t)
+ (throw 'first nil))))
+ (while adrs
+ (setq adr (car adrs) adrs (cdr adrs))
+ (if (mew-is-my-address del adr)
+ ()
+ (mew-insert-address adr)
+ (setq del (cons (concat "^" (regexp-quote adr) "$") del))))
+ (if fep (insert "\n"))
+ del))
(defun mew-draft-header (&optional subject nl to cc newsgroups in-reply-to references other-headers)
;; to -- string or list
;; cc -- string or list
;; nl -- one empty line under "----", which is necessary if
;; attachment is prepared
! (let ((del (mew-get-my-address-regex-list)) ;; deleting list for Cc:
! body)
(goto-char (point-min))
;; Insert To: first.
;; All addresses inserted on To: are appended to del.
! ((null to) (insert mew-to: " \n"))
! ((stringp to) ;; To: inputed from the mini-buffer.
! ;; Don't check to is mine. Cc: is also string
! ;; We believe that user never specifies the same address of To: to Cc:.
! (insert mew-to: " " to "\n"))
;; To: collected by reply
! ((listp to)
! (setq del (mew-insert-address-list mew-to: to del))))
((null cc) ()) ;; do nothing
! ((stringp cc) ;; Cc: inputed from the mini-buffer.
! (insert mew-cc: " " cc "\n"))
! ((listp cc) ;; Cc: collected by reply.
! (mew-insert-address-list mew-cc: cc del)))
(mew-draft-header-insert mew-newsgroups: newsgroups)
(mew-draft-header-insert mew-cc: mew-cc)
(mew-draft-header-insert mew-subj: (or subject ""))
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内