[Mew-dist 07314] Re: how to display total number of messages?

TAKAHASHI Kaoru nil at example.com
1999年 2月 4日 (木) 13:22:46 JST


>>>>> In message "[Mew-dist 07313] Re: how to display total number of messages?",
>>> kuro at example.com("T. Kurosaka - Sun Professional Services")  writes:

kuro> Summary バッファの下に、[42 more] とか表示されますが、この代わりに
kuro> [#xx/yy] (yy はこのフォルダ中のメッセージの総数、xx はカーソルの
kuro> あるメッセージの順番 (頭から何番目か)) みたいに表示させることは可能で
kuro> しょうか?

# 私は (setq line-number-mode t) で十分なのですが。

TAKAHASHI "beatmaria" Kaoru @ TeXintosh Japan (#3665)
kaoru at example.com, http://triaez.kaisei.org/rc5/
-------------- next part --------------
*** mew-summary.el.org	Thu Oct 29 21:01:14 1998
--- mew-summary.el	Thu Feb 04 13:07:50 1999
*** 460,466 ****
  	    (let ((mlf (copy-sequence mode-line-format))
  		  (l (length mode-line-format)))
  	      (setcdr (nthcdr (- l 3) mlf)
! 		      '("[" mew-summary-buffer-left-msgs " more]" "-%-"))
  (defun mew-summary-mode-line (buf)
--- 460,466 ----
  	    (let ((mlf (copy-sequence mode-line-format))
  		  (l (length mode-line-format)))
  	      (setcdr (nthcdr (- l 3) mlf)
! 		      '(("[#%l/" mew-summary-buffer-total-msgs "]" "-%-")))
  (defun mew-summary-mode-line (buf)
*** 469,475 ****
      ;; if not running process in this buffer
      ;; display how many messages are unread
      (if (null mew-summary-buffer-process)
! 	(let ((left (count-lines (point) (point-max))))
  	  (if (equal left 0)
  	      (setq mew-summary-buffer-left-msgs  "-");; local variable
  	    (setq mew-summary-buffer-left-msgs (int-to-string (1- left))))))
--- 469,477 ----
      ;; if not running process in this buffer
      ;; display how many messages are unread
      (if (null mew-summary-buffer-process)
! 	(let ((left (count-lines (point) (point-max)))
!               (total (count-lines (point-min) (point-max))))
!           (setq mew-summary-buffer-total-msgs (int-to-string total))
  	  (if (equal left 0)
  	      (setq mew-summary-buffer-left-msgs  "-");; local variable
  	    (setq mew-summary-buffer-left-msgs (int-to-string (1- left))))))

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