[Mew-dist 07431] saving pick patterns and using them again later...

sen_ml at example.com sen_ml at example.com
1999年 2月 14日 (日) 19:10:29 JST


  is it possible to save pick patterns in mew and use them later (i.e.
later invocations of mew)?  i couldn't figure this out from the
documentation.  does anyone else think this would be a nice feature to

  attached is a sample implementation.
-------------- next part --------------
;; -*- emacs-lisp -*-
;; name: mew-filter.el
;; version: 0.1
;; description: sample implementation for supporting the use of saved pick 
;;              patterns
;; creation date: 1999-02-11
;; author: "Sen Nagata" <sen at example.com>
;; warning: not optimized at all

;; required:
;;   -mew (tested for 1.93)

;; installation:
;;   -put this file in an appropriate directory (so emacs can find it)
;;   <necessary>
;;   -put:
;;     (add-hook 'mew-init-hook (lambda () (require 'mew-filter)))
;;    in your .emacs file.
;;   -put a file named 'my-mew-filter-patterns.el' of an appropriate
;;    format (see the 'details' section for details) somewhere in your 
;;    load-path.
;;   <optional>
;;   -put:
;;     (add-hook
;;      'mew-summary-mode-hook
;;      (lambda ()
;;        (define-key mew-summary-mode-map
;;          "\C-c/" 'mew-filter-using-saved-pattern)))
;;   in your .emacs.

;; details:
;;   this package provides an additional interface to the functionality 
;; provided in mew-summary-search (by default bound to '/').  
;;  i got tired of specifying the same pick patterns repeatedly, so i wrote 
;; this little hack which allows me to specify saved patterns via aliases. 
;;   the aliases are stored in a file called my-mew-filter-patterns.el.  the 
;; file contains a single setq statement(?) something like the following:
;; (setq
;;  mew-filter-saved-patterns
;;  (list
;;   '("bob" . "from=bob at example.com")
;;   '("matilda" . "from=matilda")
;;   '("archimedes" . "to=archimedes|cc=archimedes")
;;  )
;; )
;;   a user invokes the command mew-filter-using-saved-pattern 
;; (bound to "C-c /" by default) to use the aforementioned functionality.

;; usage:
;;   -invoke mew
;;   -try out the command mew-filter-using-saved-pattern (C-c /)

;; notes and todo:
;; -provide some way for the user to save new patterns and aliases w/o
;;  editing my-mew-filter-patterns.el directly.
;; -figure out some way to record patterns which are specified when using
;;  mew-summary-search and provide a way to name them later?

;; how should we handle the dependecy on mew?
;; doing the following seems to have catastrophic effects on my machine :-(
;(require 'mew)

;; will this work?
  (require 'mew))

(defconst mew-filter-version "mew-filter.el 0.1")

;; return a data structure which completing-read can use
(defun mew-filter-load-pattern-table ()
  ;; my-mew-filter-patterns.el setqs the variable mew-filter-saved-patterns
  (load "my-mew-filter-patterns.el")
  ;; the reason i did things this way was because i want to be able to
  ;; modify my list of saved patterns w/o having to restart mew or manually
  ;; re-evaluate mew-saved-picks -- there may be a better way.

;; key should be a key in alist, and alist should be a list
;; like mew-filter-saved-patterns
(defun mew-filter-lookup-pattern (key alist)
  (cdr (assoc key alist))

;; heavily based on mew-summary-search
(defun mew-filter-using-saved-pattern ()
  "Pick messages according to a saved pick pattern."
  (mew-summary-only ; this is a macro
  (let* ((folder (buffer-name)) ; buffer-name -> current folder
	 (pattern-table (mew-filter-load-pattern-table))
	   (completing-read "Saved filter pattern: " pattern-table)
	 (range nil))
     (if (null (file-directory-p (mew-expand-folder folder)))
	 (message "No such folder %s" folder)
       (message "Picking messages in %s ..." folder)
       (setq range (mew-summary-pick folder pattern))
       (message "Picking messages in %s ... done" folder)
       (if (get-buffer folder)
	   (switch-to-buffer folder)
	 (mew-symmary-folder-create folder))
       (if range (mew-summary-scan-body mew-prog-imls
					(list range 'erase)))))

;; since this will be used via 'require'...
(provide 'mew-filter)
-------------- next part --------------
;; this file stores 'pick' patterns and aliases for them
;; this is used by functions in mew-filter.el

  ;; yuck, lots of backslashes...
  '("mew" . "subject=\\\\[Mew-dist")
  '("pgp-users" . "to=pgp-users@|cc=pgp-users@")

Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内