[Mew-dist 07793] guess header and signature file on draft mode

OBATA Noboru obata at example.com
1999年 2月 28日 (日) 23:04:58 JST


方針に対して意見が頂ければと思い投稿します。1.94b10 に対するパッ

1. 任意のヘッダコンテンツを、メール作成時に推測する。

mew-draft-guess-header-alist という変数を導入し、各ヘッダに対し


置換だけで十分だとも思います。山本さんの [Mew-dist 07778] のよう
に、推測させたい場所に予め "(guess)" のような識別文字列を埋め込


    (setq mew-draft-guess-header-alist
              ("@localnet" "+inbox")
              ("mew-dist at example.com\\.org" "+ML/Mew-dist" 'eol ", "))
             (t "+internet"))
              ("mew-dist at example.com\\.org" "ml")

実際に処理を行うのは mew-draft-guess-and-modify-header という関
数で、添付のパッチでは C-cC-h に割当てました (キーバインドまわり

す制御変数 mew-draft-ask-when-guess-header も用意しました。プロ

2. 任意のファイルを、メール作成時に推測して挿入する。キーワード

mew-draft-insert-file-and-replace という関数を作りました。

mew-signature-guess-alist という変数で、署名ファイルを推測します。
書式は mew-refile-guess-alist と同じで、例えば次のように書きます。

    (setq mew-signature-guess-alist
             ("mew-dist at example.com\\.org" . "~/.signature-mew")
             ("@hogehoge" . "~/.signature-xxx")

その中に |>keyword<| の形でキーワードを埋め込んでおくことにより、

    (setq mew-signature-replace-alist
          '(("time" . current-time-string)
            ("email" . "foo at example.com")

定型文の挿入も統合しました。mew-draft-insert-ff という関数で、
C-cC-v に割当てました。推測の規則として mew-draft-guess-ff-alist 
mew-draft-replace-ff-alist を導入しました。こちらの詳細は省略し

3. 気になる点。

推測関数を 2 種類使っています。mew-refile-guess-by-alist1 と、自
前の mew-draft-guess-by-alist です。可能であれば統合したいです。

-replace-hoge-alist とか -guess-alist が増えました。整理すれば、

-guess-config には手を付けていませんが、guess-config と同等のこ

elisp の勉強を始めて間もないため、変なコードがところどころにある


4. サンプルについて

sample.el と .signature-sample と .ff-sample を添付します。3 つ
のファイルをホームディクトリに置き、sample.el の中身を読むと、こ


小幡 昇 (obata at example.com)
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diff -ru mew-1.94b10.orig/mew-draft.el mew-1.94b10/mew-draft.el
--- mew-1.94b10.orig/mew-draft.el	Mon Feb 22 20:53:46 1999
+++ mew-1.94b10/mew-draft.el	Sun Feb 28 22:47:42 1999
@@ -135,7 +135,9 @@
     (define-key (symbol-value symmap) "\C-c\C-s" 'mew-pgp-sign-letter)
     (define-key (symbol-value symmap) "\C-c\C-e" 'mew-pgp-encrypt-letter)
     (define-key (symbol-value symmap) "\C-c\C-b" 'mew-pgp-sign-encrypt-letter)
-    (define-key (symbol-value symmap) "\C-x\C-s" 'mew-save-buffer))
+    (define-key (symbol-value symmap) "\C-x\C-s" 'mew-save-buffer)
+    (define-key (symbol-value symmap) "\C-c\C-h" 'mew-draft-guess-and-modify-header)
+    (define-key (symbol-value symmap) "\C-c\C-v" 'mew-draft-insert-ff))
   (if mew-draft-body-map
     (setq mew-draft-body-map (make-sparse-keymap))
@@ -267,6 +269,8 @@
     (define-key mew-draft-mode-map "\C-c\C-z" 'mew-fib-flush-input)
     (define-key mew-draft-mode-map "\C-c\C-o" 'mew-draft-insert-config)
     (define-key mew-draft-mode-map "\C-x\C-s" 'mew-save-buffer)
+    (define-key mew-draft-mode-map "\C-c\C-h" 'mew-draft-guess-and-modify-header)
+    (define-key mew-draft-mode-map "\C-c\C-v" 'mew-draft-insert-ff)
 (if mew-xemacs-p
@@ -973,6 +977,9 @@
+(defvar mew-signature-replace-alist nil
+  "*Alist for signature keyword replacement.")
 (defun mew-draft-insert-signature ()
   "Insert the signature file specified by mew-signature-file.
 If attachments exist and mew-signature-as-lastpart is *non-nil*,
@@ -981,7 +988,10 @@
 the file is inserted to the end of the body. Otherwise, inserted
 the cursor position."
-  (let ((sigfile (expand-file-name mew-signature-file)))
+  (let ((sigfile (expand-file-name
+		  (or (car (mew-refile-guess-by-alist1
+			    mew-signature-guess-alist))
+		      mew-signature-file))))
     (if (not (file-exists-p sigfile))
 	(message "No signature file %s" sigfile)
       (if (and (mew-attach-p) mew-signature-as-lastpart)
@@ -993,15 +1003,178 @@
 	    (mew-attach-disposition "") ;; nil is NG.
 	    (mew-attach-description mew-signature-description)
-	(if mew-signature-insert-last 
-	    (if (null (mew-attach-p))
-		(goto-char (point-max))
-	      (goto-char (mew-attach-begin))
-	      (forward-line -1)
-	      (end-of-line)
-	      (insert "\n")))
-	(insert-file-contents sigfile)
-	))
+	(if mew-signature-insert-last
+            (mew-draft-insert-file-and-replace
+             sigfile 'bottom (list mew-signature-replace-alist))
+          (mew-draft-insert-file-and-replace
+           sigfile 'here (list mew-signature-replace-alist)))))))
+(defun mew-draft-insert-file-and-replace (file pos &optional alists)
+  "Insert file and replace keyword.
+Insert file FILE on position POS (possible values are top, bottom and
+here), and replace keyword according to ALISTS (list of alist)."
+  (interactive)
+  (cond
+   ((eq pos 'top)
+    (goto-char (mew-header-end))
+    (forward-line))
+   ((eq pos 'bottom)
+    (if (null (mew-attach-p))
+        (goto-char (point-max))
+      (goto-char (mew-attach-begin))
+      (forward-line -1)
+      (end-of-line)
+      (insert "\n"))))
+  (mew-fib-insert-file-and-fill file alists))
+(defvar mew-draft-ask-when-guess-header nil
+  "*Prompt user for modificaion of guessed header if *non-nil*.")
+(defvar mew-draft-guess-header-alist nil
+  "*Alist to guess header contents.
+The syntax is:
+    (HEADER-GUS (HEADER-CND (KEY VALUE [POS [SEP]])... )... )...
+HEADER-GUS is the target header which you want guess and modify.
+HEADER-CND and KEY specify the condition to guess. If regexp KEY matches
+to contents of HEADER-CND, contents are *replaced* with string VALUE.
+But, if optional element POS is non-nil (possible values are bol and
+eol), VALUE is *appended* before(bol) or after(eol) original contents of
+Next optional element SEP (string) is inserted between VALUE and
+original contents of HEADER-CND if necessary (both SEP is non-nil and
+original contents of HEADER-CND is non-empty).
+For example:
+    (setq mew-draft-guess-header-alist
+          '((\"Fcc:\"
+             (\"To:\"
+              (\"mew-dist at example.com\" \"+ML/Mew-dist\")))
+            (\"Dcc:\"
+             (\"To:\"
+              (\"mew-dist at example.com\" \"foo at example.com\" eol \", \")))
+            (\"Config:\"
+             (\"To:\"
+              (\"mew-dist at example.com\" \"mew\")))
+            ))")
+(defvar mew-draft-replace-ff-alist nil
+  "*Default alist for fixed form keyword replacement.
+Keyword like \"|>keyword<|\" in the template file is replaced with it's
+associated value. It is possible to specify string, function, variable
+and lambda expression as associated value, which is evaluated when
+replacement occurs.
+You can replace keyword to the string flushed on the right. For example:
+    (setq mew-draft-replace-ff-alist
+          '((\"name\" . \"HOGE Hoge\")
+            (\"email\" . \"foo at example.com\")
+            (\"time\" .
+             (lambda () (format (format \"%%%ds\" fill-column)
+                                (current-time-string))))
+            ))")
+(defvar mew-draft-guess-ff-alist nil
+  "*Alist to guess fixed from template file.
+The basic syntax is:
+    (HEADER (KEY TEMPLATE)... )...
+If regexp KEY matches to contents of HEADER, file TEMPLATE is guessed
+and guess is finished. Note that no dot (.) between KEY and TEMPLATE.
+You can specify alists for keyword replacement like:
+Alists in this form take precedence over \"mew-draft-replace-ff-alist\".
+For example:
+    (setq mew-draft-guess-ff-alist
+          '((\"To:\"
+             (\"mew-dist at example.com\" \"~/.ff-mew-dist\"
+              (\"hello\" . \"Mew friends,\")))
+             (\"foo at example.com\" \"~/.ff-other\")
+	    (t \"~/.ff-default\")
+            ))
+There is exceptional form as you can see in the example:
+You can specify default TEMPLATE with this form, putting it on the last.")
+(defun mew-draft-guess-by-alist (alist)
+  (let (name header sublist key val ent ret)
+    (while (and alist (not ret))
+      (setq name (car (car alist)))
+      (setq sublist (cdr (car alist)))
+      (cond
+       ((eq name t)
+	(setq ret sublist))
+       ;;((eq name nil)
+       ;;(setq ret sublist))
+       (t
+	(setq header (mew-header-get-value name))
+	(if header
+	    (while (and sublist (not ret))
+	      (setq key (car (car sublist)))
+	      (setq val (cdr (car sublist)))
+	      (if (and (stringp key) (string-match key header))
+		  (cond
+		   ((stringp (car val))
+		    (setq ent
+                          (mew-refile-guess-by-alist2 key header (car val))))
+		   ((listp (car val))
+		    (setq ent (mew-draft-guess-by-alist val)))))
+              (if ent (setq ret val))
+              (setq sublist (cdr sublist))))))
+      (setq alist (cdr alist)))
+    ret))
+(defun mew-draft-guess-and-modify-header ()
+  "Guess and modify header according to \"mew-draft-guess-header-alist\"."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((alist mew-draft-guess-header-alist)
+          header-gus sublist header-cnd glist value pos sep)
+      (while alist
+        (setq header-gus (car (car alist)))
+        (setq glist (mew-draft-guess-by-alist (cdr (car alist))))
+        (if glist
+            (progn
+              (setq value (car glist))
+              (setq pos (nth 1 glist))
+              (setq sep (nth 2 glist))
+              (if pos
+                  (mew-header-append-value 
+                   header-gus value pos mew-draft-ask-when-guess-header sep)
+                (mew-header-replace-value
+                 header-gus value mew-draft-ask-when-guess-header))))
+        (setq alist (cdr alist)))
+      (mew-draft-rehighlight))))
+(defun mew-draft-insert-ff ()
+  "Insert fixed form on the top of the message."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((glist (mew-draft-guess-by-alist mew-draft-guess-ff-alist))
+         (file (car glist)) (kwlist (cdr glist)) deleted efile)
+    (if file
+        (progn
+          (setq efile (expand-file-name file))
+          (if (not (file-exists-p efile))
+              (message "No fixed form template file %s" efile)
+            (progn
+              (forward-char
+               (mew-draft-insert-file-and-replace
+                efile 'top (list kwlist mew-draft-replace-ff-alist)))))))
diff -ru mew-1.94b10.orig/mew-fib.el mew-1.94b10/mew-fib.el
--- mew-1.94b10.orig/mew-fib.el	Fri Feb 26 19:08:17 1999
+++ mew-1.94b10/mew-fib.el	Sun Feb 28 15:52:18 1999
@@ -66,6 +66,19 @@
                    (t str)))))
+(defun mew-fib-insert-file-and-fill (file &optional alists)
+  "Insert FILE and fill |>item<| in it by ALISTS."
+  (interactive)
+  (let (bytes)
+    (save-restriction
+      (narrow-to-region
+       (point) (+ (point) (car (cdr (insert-file-contents file)))))
+      (while alists
+        (mew-fib-fill-by-alist (car alists))
+        (setq alists (cdr alists)))
+      (mew-fib-delete-frame)
+      (setq bytes (- (point-max) (point-min))))))
 (defun mew-fib-fill-default ()
   "Fill |>item<| from .mew-fib."
diff -ru mew-1.94b10.orig/mew-header.el mew-1.94b10/mew-header.el
--- mew-1.94b10.orig/mew-header.el	Tue Feb 23 13:55:01 1999
+++ mew-1.94b10/mew-header.el	Sun Feb 28 22:19:54 1999
@@ -134,6 +134,45 @@
 	    (insert (concat "\n\t"name-val))))
 	(insert "\n"))))
+(defun mew-header-replace-value (field value ask)
+  "Replace header contents."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((oldvalue (mew-header-get-value field)))
+    (if (and (not (string= oldvalue value))
+             (or (not ask)
+                 (y-or-n-p
+                  (format "Replace %s value with %s? "
+                          field value))))
+        (progn
+          (mew-header-delete-lines (list field))
+          (if (not (mew-header-existp field))
+              (goto-char (mew-header-end)))
+          (mew-draft-header-insert field value)))))
+(defun mew-header-append-value (field value pos ask &optional sep)
+  "Append string to header contents.
+POS specifies the position to append VALUE. Possible values are
+bol (beginning of line) or eol (end of line). (only bol is
+recognized actually)
+Prompt user to confirm modification if ASK is non-nil. (prompt message
+may be not proper)
+Optional argument SEP (string) is inserted between VALUE and original
+contents of FIELD if necessary (both SEP is non-nil and original
+contents of FIELD is non-empty)."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((oldvalue (mew-header-get-value field)) newvalue)
+    (if (and oldvalue sep)
+        (cond
+         ((equal pos 'bol)
+          (setq newvalue (concat value sep oldvalue)))
+         ;;((equal pos 'eol)
+         (t
+          (setq newvalue (concat oldvalue sep value))))
+      (setq newvalue (concat oldvalue value)))
+    (mew-header-replace-value field newvalue ask)))
 ;;; Low-level functions to parse fields
-------------- next part --------------
;; sample.el
;; 0. Prepare ~/.signature-sample and ~/.ff-sample.
;; 1. M-x eval-current-buffer in this buffer.
;; 2. Prepare draft and put `sample' on the To: field.
;; 3. Move cursor to the body, then try C-cC-h, C-cTAB and C-cC-v.

;; 4. Uncomment lines below, M-x eval-current-buffer, and try C-cC-h
;; again.

(setq mew-signature-guess-alist
         ("sample" . "~/.signature-sample")

(setq mew-signature-replace-alist
      '(("email" . "sample at example.com")

(setq mew-draft-guess-header-alist
          ;;("sample" "Sample string" eol "+ ")
          ("sample" "Sample string")

(setq mew-draft-guess-ff-alist
         ("sample" "~/.ff-sample"
          ("time" . current-time-string)

(setq mew-draft-replace-ff-alist
      '(("hello" . "hello,world.")

;;(setq mew-draft-ask-when-guess-header t)
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Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内