[Mew-dist 07283] Re: Mew-1.93 がうまく動きません
Hirakawa Masaya
mhira at example.com
1999年 1月 29日 (金) 11:59:20 JST
From: SAITO Tetsuya (さいとてつや) <saito at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 07282] Re: Mew-1.93がうまく動きません
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 19:06:32 +0900
> さいとです。
> From: Hirakawa Masaya <mhira at example.com>
> Subject: [Mew-dist 07281] Re: Mew-1.93がうまく動きません
> Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 18:58:11 +0900
> Message-ID: <199901280958.SAA16811 at example.com>
> > このように、2つの方法ともにうまくいきません。
> > お分かりになる方がございましたら、是非ともアドバイスをお願いします。
> 解決方法はわからないのですが,どちらの場合も imget -v としてそのログを
> 見てみるとよいかもしれません。
% ./imget -v
imget: accessing POP/POP:mhira at example.com for get
imget: opening POP session (POP)
imget: opening pop3 session to eiger(110).
imget: >>> +OK QPOP (version 2.52) at eiger starting.
imget: <<< USER mhira
imget: >>> +OK Password required for mhira.
imget: <<< PASS ********
imget: >>> +OK mhira has 0 messages (0 octets).
imget: getting number of message.
imget: <<< STAT
imget: >>> +OK 0 0
imget: 0 message(s) found.
imget: no message at eiger.
imget: closing POP session.
imget: <<< QUIT
imget: >>> +OK Pop server at eiger signing off.
% ./imget -v
imget: pwagent: can not access to socket: /tmp/im-mhira/pw
imget: accessing POP/POP:mhira at example.com for get
imget: opening POP session (POP)
imget: opening pop3 session to eiger(110).
imget: >>> +OK QPOP (version 2.52) at eiger starting.
imget: <<< USER mhira
imget: >>> +OK Password required for mhira.
imget: <<< PASS ********
imget: >>> +OK mhira has 0 messages (0 octets).
imget: pwagent: can not access to socket: /tmp/im-mhira/pw
imget: getting number of message.
imget: <<< STAT
imget: >>> +OK 0 0
imget: 0 message(s) found.
imget: no message at eiger.
imget: closing POP session.
imget: <<< QUIT
imget: >>> +OK Pop server at eiger signing off.
Masaya Hirakawa
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内