[Mew-dist 07288]

TROESTLER Christophe Ch.Troestler at example.com
1999年 1月 30日 (土) 11:29:23 JST

Hi all,

I downloaded  Mew and compiled  it without problem...  However, when I
lauch Mew,   I it does   not fetch the messages.   I  have  to execute
"imget" by hand.  Then Mew starts but with the message "invalid coding
system: ctext", display the  (manually) fetched messages  (ending with
"Process imls finished") and allow me to see them.   It seems that the
process "imget" waits  (?) forever because  when I try to  process the
deletion marks, I got the reply that "imget is running [...]".

I use: GNU  Emacs 20.2.1 (i386-redhat-linux, X toolkit)  of Fri Nov  7
1997 on porky.redhat.com

Anybody can help me with this?  (If you  need more information, please
let me know.)


Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内