[Mew-dist 09907] Re: b45
1999年 7月 30日 (金) 19:22:00 JST
=== 『"kazu" == <Kazu>』 殿(以降敬称略)が
=== 『Fri, 30 Jul 1999 12:27:35 +0900』 頃に書いた
=== 『[Mew-dist 09880] b45』 について
kazu> 関数のドキュメントでキー割当を参照している部分はソフトコーディングに変
kazu> 更しました。Emacs 19.34 以降では少くともうまくいっています。気になるの
kazu> は、Emacs 19.28 において Draft mode に対し describe-mode したときです。
kazu> ちゃんとキー割当は表示されますか? (M-x foo のようになってはいけない。)
kazu> 試す環境がないので、試験できていません。
b46 ですが、Draft mode で M-x describe-mode すると、以下のよ
Mew version 1.94b46 on Emacs 19.28 / Mule 2.3 (末摘花)
磯部則和 (^^ゞ
mailto:isobe at example.com
-------------- next part --------------
auto-fill-function minor mode (indicator Fill):
Automatically break line at a previous space, in insertion of text.
Draft mode:
Mew Draft mode:: major mode for composing a MIME message.
Key actions are different in each region: Header, Body, and Attachment.
To send a draft, type C-c RET and C-c C-c. To make multipart, type
C-c C-a, edit attachments, type C-c RET and C-c C-c.
*Whole buffer key assignment:
C-c RET Make a MIME message. Charset guess, mapping directory structure
to multipart, and so on.
C-c C-c Send this message. If you skipped 'C-c RET', the header was
modified and you are asked, "The header was modified.
Send this message? ". Type y or n. Mew sends the message
in background. So, when you exit Emacs, you may be asked,
"Active processes exist; kill them and exit anyway? (yes or no)".
In this case, check if *mew watch* buffer exist. If so, never
exit Emacs because Mew is still sending the message.
If executed C-u, send this message
without killing the draft. This is convenient
to send messages to multiple people modifying the draft.
C-c C-a Prepare an attachment region in the bottom of the draft.
To compose a multipart message, you should execute this
command first.
C-c C-o Insert the Config: field with 'mew-config-guess-alist'
in the header.
C-c C-l Highlight header and body again.
C-c C-u Undo 'C-c RET'.
C-c C-q Kill this draft.
C-c C-s Sign the entire draft with PGP. Input your passphrase.
C-c C-e Encrypt the entire draft with PGP.
C-c C-b Sign then encrypt the entire draft with PGP.
Input your passphrase.
C-c C-r Encrypt then sign the entire draft with PGP.
Input your passphrase.
M-x mew-draft-toggle-privacy-always Toggle whether or not all drafts are protected.
M-x mew-draft-toggle-privacy-encrypted Toggle whether or not drafts replying to encypted messages
are protected.
*Header region key assignment:
TAB Complete field keys.
Complete and expand an address short name.
Complete folder names.
C-c TAB Complete your mail domain.
M-TAB Replace an address with 'NAME <address>'.
*Body region key assignment:
M-x mew-draft-insert-signature Insert '~/.signature' on the cursor point.
M-x mew-draft-cite Copy and paste a part of message from Message mode WITH
citation prefix and label.
1. Roughly speaking, it copies the body in Message mode.
For example, if text/plain is displayed, the entire Message
mode is copied. If message/rfc822 is displayed, the body
without the header is copied.
2. If called with 'C-u', the header is also copied if exists.
3. If an Emacs mark exists, the target is the region between
the mark and the cursor.
M-x mew-draft-yank Copy and paste a part of message from Message mode WITHOUT
citation prefix and label.
*Attachments region Key assignment:
C-f Go to the first subdirectory.
C-b Go to the parent directory.
C-n Go to the next file in the current directory.
C-p Go to the previous file in the current directory.
c Copy a file (via networks) on '.'.
To copy a remote file, use the '/[user@]hostname:/filepath' syntax.
l Link a file with a symbolic link on '.'.
d Delete this file or this directory.
m Create a subdirectory(i.e. multipart) on '.'.
f Open this file into a buffer.
F Open a new file into a buffer on '.'.
e Input external-body on '.'.
a Sampling voice and insert as audio file on '.'.
p Extract the PGP key for the inputed user on '.'.
D Input a description(Content-Description:).
P Change the file name(Content-Disposition:).
T Change the data type(Content-Type:).
C Specify charset for a Text/* object.
B Put the 'B' mark to encode with Base64.
Q Put the 'Q' mark to encode with Quoted-Printable.
G Put the 'G' mark to encode with Gzip64. This is applicable
only to Text/Plain and Application/Postscript since compression
is not effective other objects. For example, JPEG is already
S Put the 'PS' mark to sign with PGP.
E Put the 'PE' mark to encrypt with PGP.
Input decryptors' addresses.
U Unmark. The original mark appears.
* Fill blanks
Prepare '~/.mew-fib' like;
name: Kazuhiko Yamamoto
email: Kazu at example.com
If you receive a message like;
Your name : |>name<|
Your e-mail address: |>email<|
Type a in Summary mode to enter Draft mode.
Then type C-c C-t, C-c C-f C-f, and C-c C-f C-k makes following
Your name : Kazuhiko Yamamoto
Your e-mail address: Kazu at example.com
In this way, mew-fil fills up items quoted like |> <| from '~/.mew-fib'.
The fill functions described below.
C-c C-f C-f Fill |>item<| from '~/.mew-fib'.
C-c C-f C-k Delete all quotations, i.e. |> <|.
C-c C-f C-n Jump to the next fib item.
C-c C-f C-p Jump to the previous fib item.
C-c C-z Flush input from '~/.mew-fib'.
Moreover, '~/.mew-fib' supports aliases like;
email: Kazu at example.com
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内