[Mew-dist 09436] Re: supporting alias with domainpart (Re: mew-1.94b34.tar.gz)
Hidetomo Hosono
hidetomo at example.com
1999年 6月 22日 (火) 21:00:38 JST
From: Hidetomo Hosono <hidetomo at example.com>
To: mew-dist at example.com
Subject: [Mew-dist 09433] supporting alias with domainpart (Re: mew-1.94b34.tar.gz)
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 19:13:57 +0900
> これは嬉しい機能なのですが、ひとつお願いしたいことがあります。第2パー
> トに付けた mew-addrbook.el.diff のように、
> mew-summary-personalinfo-add を mew-refile-guess-strip-domainpart の値を
> 見てふるまいを変えるようにして頂けるといいな、と思っているのです。
私が書いたパッチを改めて送ります。(if COND THEN ELSE) の COND で複数の
Lisp 文を実行させる方法を忘れてしまったので、幼稚な Lisp になってしまっ
Hidetomo Hosono @ Chiba University Design Systems
[smtp] hidetomo at example.com, hide at example.com
[http] http://www.students.chiba-u.ac.jp/~qhosono/
-------------- next part --------------
--- mew-addrbook.el~ Tue Jun 22 12:43:26 1999
+++ mew-addrbook.el Tue Jun 22 20:24:09 1999
@@ -251,9 +251,14 @@
(if (and (string-match "<.*>" from)
(y-or-n-p (message "Add only the address part: %s? " addr)))
(setq from addr))
- (setq alias (read-string (format "Input its short name (%s): " user)))
- (if (equal alias "")
- (setq alias user))
+ (if mew-refile-guess-strip-domainpart
+ (setq alias (read-string (format "Input its short name (%s): " user)))
+ (setq alias (read-string (format "Input its short name (%s): " addr))))
+ (if mew-refile-guess-strip-domainpart
+ (if (equal alias "")
+ (setq alias user))
+ (if (equal alias "")
+ (setq alias addr)))
(set-buffer (find-file-noselect mew-addrbook-file))
(goto-char (point-max))
(if (not (bolp)) (insert "\n"))
@@ -287,10 +292,16 @@
(setq phrase (mew-match 1 from))
(setq phrase (mew-chop phrase)))
(setq phrase ""))
- (setq shortname (read-string (format "Input a short name for %s (%s): "
- addr user)))
- (if (equal shortname "")
- (setq shortname user))
+ (if mew-refile-guess-strip-domainpart
+ (setq shortname (read-string (format "Input a short name for %s (%s): "
+ addr user)))
+ (setq shortname (read-string (format "Input a short name for %s (%s): "
+ addr addr))))
+ (if mew-refile-guess-strip-domainpart
+ (if (equal shortname "")
+ (setq shortname user))
+ (if (equal shortname "")
+ (setq shortname addr)))
(setq name (read-string (format "Input a name (%s): " phrase)))
(if (equal name "")
(setq name phrase))
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内