[Mew-dist 09473] Re: Vine Linux で pgp5が利用できない
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
1999年 6月 25日 (金) 13:34:54 JST
From: 水野勝教 <mizuno at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 09471] Re: Vine Linux で pgp5が利用できない
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 13:02:37 +0900
> mew-pgp-string
> "A private key is required to make a signature.
> Need a pass phrase to decrypt private key:
> 1024 bits, Key ID 78B9D75C, Created 1999-01-31
> \"Katsunori Mizuno <mizuno at example.com>\"
> Enter pass phrase: "
うーん。うまくいっていますねぇ。ひょっとすると、"Enter pass phrase: "
以下のパッチを当てて、前回と同じ作業で今度は mew-pgp-string-list を送っ
-------------- next part --------------
Index: mew-pgp.el
RCS file: /usr/home/kazu/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew-pgp.el,v
retrieving revision 1.65
diff -c -r1.65 mew-pgp.el
*** mew-pgp.el 1999/06/09 00:32:50 1.65
--- mew-pgp.el 1999/06/25 04:40:53
*** 105,110 ****
--- 105,111 ----
(defvar mew-pgp-string nil)
+ (defvar mew-pgp-string-list nil)
(defvar mew-pgp-running nil)
(defvar mew-pgp-failure nil)
*** 299,304 ****
--- 300,306 ----
(message "PGP decrypting ... ")
(setq mew-pgp-running 'decrypting)
(setq mew-pgp-string nil)
+ (setq mew-pgp-string-list nil)
(setq mew-pgp-decrypt-msg nil)
(setq mew-pgp-failure nil)
(let ((process-connection-type mew-connection-type2)
*** 342,347 ****
--- 344,350 ----
(message "PGP signing ... ")
(setq mew-pgp-running 'signing)
(setq mew-pgp-string nil)
+ (setq mew-pgp-string-list nil)
(setq mew-pgp-sign-msg nil)
(setq mew-pgp-failure nil)
(let ((process-connection-type mew-connection-type2)
*** 418,423 ****
--- 421,427 ----
(defun mew-pgp-process-filter1 (process string)
;; sign or decrypt, not verify
(setq mew-pgp-string (concat mew-pgp-string string))
+ (setq mew-pgp-string-list (cons string mew-pgp-string-list))
;; no secret key or no secring for decrypt
((string-match (mew-pgp-get mew-pgp-msg-no-seckey-or-secring) string)
*** 454,459 ****
--- 458,464 ----
(defun mew-pgp-process-filter2 (process string)
(setq mew-pgp-string (concat mew-pgp-string string))
+ (setq mew-pgp-string-list (cons string mew-pgp-string-list))
;; re-enter pass phrase
((string-match (mew-pgp-get mew-pgp-msg-reenter-pass) string)
*** 492,497 ****
--- 497,503 ----
(defun mew-pgp-process-filter3 (process string)
;; ending or error
(setq mew-pgp-string (concat mew-pgp-string string))
+ (setq mew-pgp-string-list (cons string mew-pgp-string-list))
;; string may contain old "Enter"
;; just in case
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