[Mew-dist 07829] Re: mew wishes :-)

sen_ml at example.com sen_ml at example.com
1999年 3月 1日 (月) 18:39:10 JST

At around Mon, 1 Mar 1999 18:02:22 +0900,
 SAKAI Kiyotaka <ksakai at example.com> may have mentioned:

> >> In article <19990220162603A.sen_ml at example.com>, sen_ml at example.com writes:
> >   -ability to configure mew settings using some kind of interface
> >    (may be forms-mode based, customize-based, etc.) -- i know this is
> >    low priority, and i am currently thinking of possible designs.
> 多分、Emacs-20.x, XEmacs-20.x に標準の M-x customize を利用するのが一
> 番いいでしょうね。(使い方は M-x customize を実行してみれば予想がつくと
> 思います。)

i have been trying this out and hope to have a demo for this weekend :-)  
thanks for the advice and patch!

> 作業方法をしては以下のパッチのような感じで、カスタマイズ可能な変数宣言
> を defvar から defcustom にひたすら置き換えていくだけですが、数が多い
> 上に階層化も必要だと思いますので、ちょっと大変そうですね。

i agree it would be a fair bit of work.

i am also wondering about what to do for the descriptive text.  for example:

(defgroup mew nil
  "Mew mail reader"
  :group 'mail)

uses english.  this could also be:

(defgroup mew nil
  "Mew メールリーダ"
  :group 'mail)

i wonder if there is a good way to support multiple languages...

> あと、Emacs-19.x/Mule-2.x では使えませんが、それは仕方がないですね。

not being able to do use customize w/ emacs-19.x/mule-2.x is
unfortunate :-(   i am more worried about whether it will cause problems
w/ emacs-19.x/mule-2.x...(will using defcustom and such cause errors
for emacs-19.x/mule-2.x?)

p.s. attached is a sample of what i have been working on.  to test it
out (just for visual effect) load the file into a buffer, eval-buffer, and
then M-x customize.
-------------- next part --------------
; testing customize for mew

; groups
(defgroup mew nil
  "Messaging for Emacs World"
  :prefix "mew-"
  :group 'emacs)

(defgroup mew-im nil
  "IM settings"
  :group 'mew)

(defgroup mew-summary nil
  "Summary mode settings"
  :group 'mew)

(defgroup mew-pgp nil
  "PGP Setting in Mew"
  :prefix "mew-pgp-"
  :group 'mew)

; variables

; boolean examples
(defcustom mew-auto-get nil
  "Fetch messages upon startup?"
  :group 'mew
  :type 'boolean)

(defcustom mew-demo nil
  "Whether to stop the spinning demo on startup."
  :group 'mew
  :type 'boolean)

(defcustom mew-window-use-full t
  "Using Mew in a full Emacs frame."
  :group 'mew
  :type 'boolean)

(defcustom mew-use-petname t
  "Whether to use petnames."
  :group 'mew-im
  :type 'boolean)

; is there no directory type?  there is a 'file' type
(defcustom mew-icon-directory nil
  "Mew icon directory."
  :group 'mew)

; 'string' examples
(defcustom mew-mail-address "hogehoge at example.com"
   "Sorry, I don't know what this stands for..."
   :group 'mew
   :type 'string)

(defcustom mew-prog-pgp "pgp5"
  "Name of binary to use for pgp."
   :group 'mew-pgp
   :type 'string)

; would like to have an editable list
;(defcustom mew-mail-domain-list '("example.com")
;  "List of domains to use for domain name completion in draft mode (C-cTAB)."
;  :group 'mew
;  :type '(repeat ?????))

; default type is sexp
(defcustom mew-fcc "+self"
  "Name of folder to place backups of composed messages(?)"
  :group 'mew)

; example radio buttons
; figure out how to do radio buttons the way we want...
; almost there?
(defcustom mew-summary-show-direction 'up
  "Next action invoked by SPC in summary mode."
  :group 'mew-summary
  ; we're getting there...but not quite there yet
  :type '(radio
	  (sexp :tag "up" :value 'up) 
	  (sexp :tag "down" :value 'down)
	  (sexp :tag "next" :value 'next)
	  (sexp :tag "stop" :value 'stop)

; sample of multiple strings...doesn't seem to work w/ xemacs
;(defcustom sample nil
;  "sample
;this is a sample"
;  :type '(repeat string)
;  :group 'emacs
;  :version "20.3")

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