[Mew-dist 07871] Re: How can eliminate Cc: item in reply?

sen_ml at example.com sen_ml at example.com
1999年 3月 3日 (水) 10:13:10 JST

At around Wed, 3 Mar 1999 09:42:58 +0900,
 Eric Chen <ceric at example.com> may have mentioned:

> 1) When I type 'a' or 'A' to reply a message, I always found Cc: was
> generated on the draft message, but I do not want it, how can I
> configure mew not to generate this when reply?

set the value of the mew-mail-address-list variable to a list containing
email addresses you do not wish to be inserted into the cc: field.

if ceric at example.com is an address you don't want to appear in the cc: 
field, place the following in your .emacs:

  (setq mew-mail-address-list '("ceric at example.com"))

this is question 5.14 from the japanese faq -- too bad this is not in
the english faq yet.  may be someone can modify the above text and add it
to the faq :-)

> 2) I can not read Chinese GB EUC code character in summary mode and
> message mode.

sorry i can't help you w/ this one.

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