[Mew-dist 07908] coding-system-error ctext

Adam Ambrose Adam_Ambrose at example.com
1999年 3月 6日 (土) 09:35:59 JST

I get the error "coding-system-error ctext" when starting up mew and when trying
to read new mail into my inbox (with i).

Mew version 1.93 on:
GNU Emacs 20.2.1 (i386-redhat-linux, X toolkit) of Thu May  7 1998 on porky.redhat.com
im-100 version 980905

Contents of .emacs pertaining to mew:
; Mew MIME mail reader
(autoload 'mew "mew" nil t)
(autoload 'mew-send "mew" nil t)
(setq mew-mail-domain-list '("geoworks.com"))
(setq mew-icon-directory "/usr/local/share/emacs/etc/mew")
(setq mew-cite-fields '("From:" "Subject:" "Date:" "Message-ID:"))
(setq mew-cite-format "From: %s\nSubject: %s\nDate: %s\nMessage-ID: %s\n\n")
(setq mew-cite-prefix-function 'mew-cite-prefix-username)

I'm running a lot of other packages & libraries - my .emacs has been split up
into many files, so there's lots of other stuff that could be influencing the
behavior here.  I hope not.

The error backtrace:

Signaling: (coding-system-error ctext)
  set-process-coding-system(#<process imls> ctext binary)
  mew-set-process-cs(#<process imls> ctext binary)
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A@Κ„A КƒH ÑÓ ˆ)`ÑÖ×\fp\fØÙƒ_ ‚l Û ÜWƒj Ü‚l Û \"ÝÂ\f\"ƒ‚ Ýß
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@C$‚Ñ К…Ñ æèé*\"Pë,PD\"&-î-/0#ˆñ-ò\"ˆó-ô\"ˆ56÷-!)‡" [mew-connection-type1 process-connection-type string-match mew-prog-imget prog mew-config-imget mew-config-default message "Getting %s ..." folder "Getting %s (%s)..." mew-prog-imls "Listing %s ..." range erase mode mew-virtual-mode nil buffer-read-only erase-buffer mew-summary-buffer-start-point mew-summary-buffer-string apply start-process format "--width=%d" mew-summary-scan-width window-width 80 append mew-prog-im-arg "--config=" mew-prog-imget-arg-list mew-summary-mode "--thread=%s" mew-folder-newsp "yes" "no" "--src=" mew-prog-imls-arg-list mew-join "," folders "--grep=" grep mew-summary-buffer-process mew-set-process-cs read mew-cs-noconv set-process-filter] 13)
  mew-summary-scan-body("imls" mew-summary-mode "+inbox" ctext ("all" update))
* call-interactively(execute-extended-command)

Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内