[Mew-dist 08198] RE: Fw: Mew questions/suggestions
KOIE Hidetaka ( 鯉江英隆 )
koie at example.com
1999年 3月 19日 (金) 12:12:28 JST
From: Kazu Yamamoto (山本和彦) <kazu at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 08187] Fw: Mew questions/suggestions
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 05:23:53 +0900
| だれか、(2) を試してもらえないでしょうか?
From: Robert Estes <estes at example.com>
Subject: Mew questions/suggestions
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 20:06:23 -0800
| 2) The current interface for viewing html, or resolving urls, using
| mew-ext-url and mew-summary-execute-external, would work better if we could
| use the remote access option under netscape, so that we could use an already
| running netscape process if available.
| This is done by calling netscape like
| netscape -remote 'openURL(http:/xxx)' || netscape http:/xxx
| or
| netscape -remote 'openURL(http:/xxx,new-window)' || netscape http:/xxx
| if you want your own window. I couldn't see how to use
| mew-ext-prog-url-args to accomplish this.
mew-ext-prog-url-args だと xxx の部分を openURL のなかに仕込めないので
File: .emacs
(setq mew-ext-prog-url "open_url")
(setq mew-prog-text/html "open_html")
File: open_url
for X in "$@"; do
netscape-remote -remote "openURL($X,new-window)"
File: open_html
case $1 in
/*) FILE=$1;;
*) FILE=$PWD/$1;;
exec netscape-remote -remote "openURL(file:${FILE},new-window)"
KOIE Hidetaka 鯉江英隆 <hide at example.com>
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内