[Mew-dist 08304] imput/imget changes

Motonori NAKAMURA motonori at example.com
1999年 3月 27日 (土) 01:48:22 JST

・ignorepostpet を廃止して、generic なインタフェースを用意した。
  Config に GetChkSbr を指定して、その中に get するメッセージを
  選択するプログラムを記述する。local 及び pop に対して有効。
・imput で 8bit message を送出するときは、BODY=8BITMIME を指示する。
・imput --processqueue の際に、処理中のメッセージは名前を変えることで、
  複数の imput から処理されることを避ける。
・POP で、メールをサーバに保存する際に必要となる、history ファイルを
・SUID imget が MailDir に対して unlink が動作しない問題を解決。


- motonori

*** /dev/null	Sat Mar 27 01:20:32 1999
--- ./dot.im/getchk.sbr	Fri Mar 26 20:59:30 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,35 ----
+ # get messages sent to me directly
+ sub getchk_sub {
+     local ($href) = shift;
+ #   if (my_addr($href->{'to'}, $href->{'cc'}) {
+     if ($href->{'to'} =~ /motonori/i || $href->{'cc'} =~ /motonori/i) {
+ 	return 1;	# get it
+     }
+     return 0;		# skip it
+ }
+ sub my_addr (@) {
+     my @addrs = @_;
+     my $addr;
+     unless (defined($ADDRESS_HASH{'init'})) {
+ 	$ADDRESS_HASH{'addr'} = addresses_regex();
+ 	unless ($ADDRESS_HASH{'addr'}) {
+ 	    $ADDRESS_HASH{'addr'} = '^' . quotemeta(address()) . '$';
+ 	    $ADDRESS_HASH{'addr'} =~ s/(\\\s)*\\,(\\\s)*/\$|\^/g;
+ 	}
+ 	    $ADDRESS_HASH{'init'} = 1;
+     }
+     return 0 if ($ADDRESS_HASH{'addr'} eq "");
+     foreach $addr (@addrs) {
+ 	my $a;
+ 	while (($a, $addr) = fetch_addr($addr, 1), $a ne "") {
+ 	    return 1 if ($a =~ /$ADDRESS_HASH{'addr'}/io);
+ 	}
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ 1;
*** /dev/null	Sat Mar 27 01:20:32 1999
--- ./dot.im/getchk.sbr.postpet	Fri Mar 26 15:49:45 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,13 ----
+ # do not get messages from PostPet
+ sub getchk_sub {
+     local ($href) = shift;
+     if ($href->{'x-mailer'} =~ /PostPet/i
+      && $href->{'content-type'} =~ /multipart.+kiritorisen/i) {
+ 	return 0;	# skip it
+     }
+     return 1;		# get it
+ }
+ 1;
diff -cr --new-file ../im-111-/IM/LocalMbox.pm ./IM/LocalMbox.pm
*** ../im-111-/IM/LocalMbox.pm	Tue Mar 23 18:13:04 1999
--- ./IM/LocalMbox.pm	Sat Mar 27 01:42:05 1999
*** 17,26 ****
  use Fcntl;
  use IM::Config;
  use IM::Util;
! use IM::MsgStore qw(store_message exec_getsbrfile);
  use integer;
  use strict;
! use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
  @ISA = qw(Exporter);
  @EXPORT = qw(local_get_msg);
--- 17,26 ----
  use Fcntl;
  use IM::Config;
  use IM::Util;
! use IM::MsgStore qw(store_message exec_getsbrfile fsync);
  use integer;
  use strict;
! use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $getchk_hook);
  @ISA = qw(Exporter);
  @EXPORT = qw(local_get_msg);
*** 117,122 ****
--- 117,138 ----
      im_notice("mailbox for $user is $mbox\n");
+     $getchk_hook = getchksbr_file();
+     if ($getchk_hook) {
+ 	if ($getchk_hook =~ /^(\S+)$/) {
+ 	    if ($main::INSECURE) {
+ 		im_warn("Sorry, GetChkSbr is ignored for SUID root script.\n");
+ 	    } else {
+ 		$getchk_hook = $1;    # to pass through taint check
+ 		if (-f $getchk_hook) {
+ 		    require $getchk_hook;
+ 		} else {
+ 		    im_err("scan subroutine file $getchk_hook not found.\n");
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     }
      if (-d $mbox) {
  	im_info("Getting new messages from maildir into $dst....\n")
*** 137,142 ****
--- 153,160 ----
  			return -1;
  		    if ($how eq 'get' && $main::opt_keep == 0) {
+ 			$f =~ /(.+)/;	# $f is tainted yet
+ 			$f = $1;	# clean up
*** 171,182 ****
  		return -1;
! 	if (($msgs = &process_mbox($mbox, $dst, $how)) < 0) {
! 	    &local_unlockmbox($mbox) if ($need_lock);
! 	    return -1;
! 	}
! 	if ($how eq 'get') {
! 	    &local_empty($mbox) unless ($main::opt_keep);
  	&local_unlockmbox($mbox) if ($need_lock);
  	return $msgs;
--- 189,236 ----
  		return -1;
! 	if ($how eq 'get' && $getchk_hook ne '' && !$main::opt_keep) {
! 	    my $tmpmbox = expand_path('tmp_mbox');
! 	    if (local_copymbox($mbox, $tmpmbox) < 0) {
! 		return -1;
! 	    }
! 	    unless (open (SAVE, "+>$mbox")) {
! 		im_err("can't open $mbox ($!).\n");
! 		close(SAVE);
! 		return -1;
! 	    }
! 	    if (($msgs = &process_mbox($tmpmbox, $dst, $how, $mbox)) < 0) {
! 		close(SAVE);
! 		if (local_copymbox($tmpmbox, $mbox) < 0) {
! 		    im_err("write back to $mbox failed. $tmpmbox preserved ($!).\n");
! 		} else {
! 		    unlink($tmpmbox);
! 		}
! 		&local_unlockmbox($mbox) if ($need_lock);
! 		return -1;
! 	    }
! 	    if (&unixp() && !&no_sync()) {
! 		if (fsync(fileno(SAVE)) < 0) {
! 		    im_err("write back to $mbox failed ($!).\n");
! 		    close(SAVE);
! 		    unlink($tmpmbox) if (-z $tmpmbox);
! 		    return -1;
! 		}
! 	    }
! 	    truncate (SAVE, tell(SAVE));
! 	    unlink($tmpmbox);
! 	} else {
! 	    if (($msgs = &process_mbox($mbox, $dst, $how, '')) < 0) {
! 		&local_unlockmbox($mbox) if ($need_lock);
! 		return -1;
! 	    }
! 	    if ($how eq 'get') {
! 		&local_empty($mbox) unless ($main::opt_keep);
! 	    }
  	&local_unlockmbox($mbox) if ($need_lock);
  	return $msgs;
*** 192,197 ****
--- 246,285 ----
+ sub local_copymbox ($$) {
+     my ($src, $dst) = @_;
+     im_debug("copy from $src to $dst\n") if (&debug('local'));
+     unless (open(SRC, "<$src")) {
+ 	return -1;
+     }
+     unless (open(DST, "+>$dst")) {
+ 	return -1;
+     }
+     while (<SRC>) {
+ 	unless (print DST) {
+ 	    im_err("writing to $dst failed ($!).\n");
+ 	    close(DST);
+ 	    close(SRC);
+ 	    unlink($dst) if (-z $dst);
+ 	    return -1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     if (&unixp() && !&no_sync()) {
+ 	if (fsync(fileno(DST)) < 0) {
+ 	    im_err("writing to $dst failed ($!).\n");
+ 	    close(DST);
+ 	    close(SRC);
+ 	    unlink($dst) if (-z $dst);
+ 	    return -1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     truncate (DST, -s SRC);
+     close (DST);
+     close (SRC);
+     return 0;
+ }
  sub process_maildir ($$$) {
      my ($maildir, $dst, $how) = @_;
      my ($msgs, $f, $dir);
*** 210,220 ****
  	foreach $f (sort {(-M $b) <=> (-M $a) || $a cmp $b} readdir(FLDR)) {
  	    if ($f =~ /^\d+\.\d+\..+/ && -s "$dir/$f") {
! 		if (&process_file("$dir/$f", $dst, $how) < 0) {
  		    return -1;
  		if ($how eq 'get' && $main::opt_keep == 0) {
--- 298,312 ----
  	foreach $f (sort {(-M $b) <=> (-M $a) || $a cmp $b} readdir(FLDR)) {
  	    if ($f =~ /^\d+\.\d+\..+/ && -s "$dir/$f") {
! 		my $ret = &process_file("$dir/$f", $dst, $how);
! 		next if ($ret > 0);	# skip by rule
! 		if ($ret < 0) {
  		    return -1;
  		if ($how eq 'get' && $main::opt_keep == 0) {
+ 		    $f =~ /(.+)/;	# $f is tainted yet
+ 		    $f = $1;		# clean up
*** 238,243 ****
--- 330,342 ----
      while (<MBOX>) {
  	push (@Message, $_);
+     if ($getchk_hook ne '') {
+ 	my $head = lcl_store_header(\@Message);
+ 	unless (eval { &getchk_sub($head); }) {
+ 	    close(MBOX);
+ 	    return 1
+ 	}
+     }
      if ($how eq 'get') {
  	if (&store_message(\@Message, $dst) < 0) {
*** 249,259 ****
      return 0;
! sub process_mbox ($$$) {
!     my ($mbox, $dst, $how) = @_;
      my ($format, $msgs, $length, $inheader, @Message);
      local (*MBOX);
!     my ($first_line);
      im_info("Getting new messages from local mailbox into $dst....\n")
  	if ($how eq 'get');
--- 348,358 ----
      return 0;
! sub process_mbox ($$$$) {
!     my ($mbox, $dst, $how, $save) = @_;
      my ($format, $msgs, $length, $inheader, @Message);
      local (*MBOX);
!     my ($first_line, $FIRST_LINE);
      im_info("Getting new messages from local mailbox into $dst....\n")
  	if ($how eq 'get');
*** 265,270 ****
--- 364,370 ----
      chomp($first_line = <MBOX>);
      if ($first_line =~ /^From /) {
  	$format = 'UNIX';
+ 	$FIRST_LINE = $first_line;
      } elsif ($first_line =~ /^\001\001\001\001$/) {
  	$format = 'MMDF';
      } elsif ($first_line =~ /^BABYL OPTIONS:/) {
*** 337,347 ****
  		$length -= length($_) if ($length > 0);
- 	$msgs++ if ($#Message >= 0);
  	if ($Message[$#Message] eq "\n") {
  	    pop (@Message);
  	if ($how eq 'get') {
  	    if (&store_message(\@Message, $dst) < 0) {
--- 437,460 ----
  		$length -= length($_) if ($length > 0);
  	if ($Message[$#Message] eq "\n") {
  	    pop (@Message);
+ 	if ($getchk_hook) {
+ 	    my %head;
+ 	    lcl_store_header(\%head, \@Message);
+ 	    unless (eval { &getchk_sub(\%head); }) {
+ 		if (save_message(\@Message, $save, $format, $FIRST_LINE) < 0) {
+ 		    close(MBOX);
+ 		    return -1;
+ 		}
+ 		next;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+ 	$msgs++ if ($#Message >= 0);
  	if ($how eq 'get') {
  	    if (&store_message(\@Message, $dst) < 0) {
*** 362,367 ****
--- 475,532 ----
      return $msgs;
+ sub save_message ($$$$) {
+     my ($msg, $save, $mode, $fline) = @_;
+     im_debug("saving to $save\n") if (&debug('local'));
+     if ($mode eq 'UNIX') {
+ 	shift(@$msg);
+ 	unless (print SAVE "$fline\n") {
+ 	    im_err("writing to $save failed ($!).\n");
+ 	    close(SAVE);
+ 	    return -1;
+ 	}
+     } elsif ($mode eq 'RMAIL') {
+ 	if (tell(SAVE) == 0) {
+ 	    unless (print SAVE "BABYL OPTIONS:\n") {
+ 		im_err("writing to $save failed ($!).\n");
+ 		close(SAVE);
+ 		return -1;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     } elsif ($mode eq 'MMDF') {
+ 	if (tell(SAVE) == 0) {
+ 	    unless (print SAVE "\001\001\001\001\n") {
+ 		im_err("writing to $save failed ($!).\n");
+ 		close(SAVE);
+ 		return -1;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     }
+     foreach (@$msg) {
+ 	unless (print SAVE) {
+ 	    im_err("writing to $save failed ($!).\n");
+ 	    close(SAVE);
+ 	    return -1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     if ($mode eq 'UNIX') {
+ 	unless (print SAVE "\n") {
+ 	    im_err("writing to $save failed ($!).\n");
+ 	    close(SAVE);
+ 	    return -1;
+ 	}
+     } elsif ($mode eq 'RMAIL') {
+ 	unless (print SAVE "*** EOOH ***\n") {
+ 	    im_err("writing to $save failed ($!).\n");
+ 	    close(SAVE);
+ 	    return -1;
+ 	}
+     } elsif ($mode eq 'MMDF') {
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
  sub local_empty ($) {
      my $mbox = shift;
      unless (truncate($mbox, 0)) {
*** 453,458 ****
--- 618,661 ----
  	$locked_by_flock = 0;
      return $rcode;
+ }
+ sub lcl_store_header ($$) {
+     my ($href, $msg) = @_;
+     my ($line);
+     foreach (@$msg) {
+ 	my $l = $_;
+ 	chomp($l);
+ 	last if ($l =~ /^$/);
+ 	if ($l =~ /^\s/) {
+ 	    $l =~ s/\s+/ /;
+ 	    $line .= $l;
+ 	    next;
+ 	} else {
+ 	    lcl_set_line($href, $line);
+ 	    $line = $l;
+ 	}
+     }
+     lcl_set_line($href, $line);
+ }
+ sub lcl_set_line ($$) {
+     my ($href, $line) = @_;
+     return unless ($line =~ /^([^:]*):\s*(.*)$/);
+     my $label = lc($1);
+     return if ($label eq 'received');
+     if (defined($href->{$label})) {
+ #	if ($STRUCTURED_HASH{$label}) {
+ #	    $href->{$label} .= ", ";
+ #	} else {
+ 	    $href->{$label} .= "\n\t";
+ #	}
+ 	$href->{$label} .= $2;
+     } else {
+ 	$href->{$label} = $2;
+     }
diff -cr --new-file ../im-111-/IM/Pop.pm ./IM/Pop.pm
*** ../im-111-/IM/Pop.pm	Tue Mar 23 18:13:05 1999
--- ./IM/Pop.pm	Fri Mar 26 22:03:40 1999
*** 283,289 ****
      # get information on the previous access
      $last = 0;
      if ($msgs > 0 && $main::opt_keep != 0) {
! 	$histfile = &pophistoryfile();
  	if ($histfile eq '') {
  	    im_err("POP historyfile $histfile undefined.\n");
  	    return -1;
--- 283,289 ----
      # get information on the previous access
      $last = 0;
      if ($msgs > 0 && $main::opt_keep != 0) {
! 	$histfile = &pophistoryfile() .'-'. $host;
  	if ($histfile eq '') {
  	    im_err("POP historyfile $histfile undefined.\n");
  	    return -1;
*** 439,452 ****
      $accesstime = time;
      im_info("Getting new messages into $dst....\n");
      for ($i = $last; $i <= $msgs; $i++) {
! 	if ($main::opt_ignorepostpet) {
  	    $head = &pop_head($i);
! 	    if ($head->{'x-mailer'} =~ /PostPet/i
! 	     && $head->{'content-type'} =~ /multipart.+kiritorisen/i) {
! 		next;
! 	    }
  	if ($main::opt_keep != 0) {
  	    if ($keep_proto eq 'UIDL') {
--- 439,465 ----
      $accesstime = time;
+     my $getchk_hook = getchksbr_file();
+     if ($getchk_hook) {
+ 	if ($getchk_hook =~ /^(\S+)$/) {
+ 	    if ($main::INSECURE) {
+ 		im_warn("Sorry, GetChkSbr is ignored for SUID root script.\n");
+ 	    } else {
+ 		$getchk_hook = $1;    # to pass through taint check
+ 		if (-f $getchk_hook) {
+ 		    require $getchk_hook;
+ 		} else {
+ 		    im_err("scan subroutine file $getchk_hook not found.\n");
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     }
      im_info("Getting new messages into $dst....\n");
      for ($i = $last; $i <= $msgs; $i++) {
! 	if ($getchk_hook ne '') {
  	    $head = &pop_head($i);
!             next unless (eval { &getchk_sub($head); });
  	if ($main::opt_keep != 0) {
  	    if ($keep_proto eq 'UIDL') {
*** 467,473 ****
  		$$histp{$$uidlp[$i]} = $accesstime;
  	    } elsif ($keep_proto eq 'STATUS' || $keep_proto eq 'MSGID') {
! 		$head = &pop_head($i) unless ($main::opt_ignorepostpet);
  		my $mid = $head->{'message-id'};
  		next if ($mid eq '');
  		$mid =~ s/.*<(.*)>.*/$1/;
--- 480,486 ----
  		$$histp{$$uidlp[$i]} = $accesstime;
  	    } elsif ($keep_proto eq 'STATUS' || $keep_proto eq 'MSGID') {
! 		$head = &pop_head($i) if ($getchk_hook eq '');
  		my $mid = $head->{'message-id'};
  		next if ($mid eq '');
  		$mid =~ s/.*<(.*)>.*/$1/;
diff -cr --new-file ../im-111-/IM/Smtp.pm ./IM/Smtp.pm
*** ../im-111-/IM/Smtp.pm	Tue Mar 23 18:13:05 1999
--- ./IM/Smtp.pm	Thu Mar 25 21:23:32 1999
*** 174,187 ****
  sub smtp_transact_sub ($$$$$$) {
      my ($servers, $Header, $Body, $bcc, $part, $total) = @_;
!     my ($i, $rc, $fail, @fatal, $msg_size);
      return $rc if ($rc = &smtp_open($servers, 1));
      if ($ESMTP{'SIZE'}) {
  	$msg_size = &message_size($Header, $Body, $part);
  	$rc = &tcp_command(\*SMTPd,
! 	  "MAIL FROM:<$main::Sender> SIZE=$msg_size", '');
      } else {
! 	$rc = &tcp_command(\*SMTPd, "MAIL FROM:<$main::Sender>", '');
      return $rc if ($rc);
      $fail = 0;
--- 174,192 ----
  sub smtp_transact_sub ($$$$$$) {
      my ($servers, $Header, $Body, $bcc, $part, $total) = @_;
!     my ($i, $rc, $fail, @fatal, $msg_size, $btype);
      return $rc if ($rc = &smtp_open($servers, 1));
+     if ($ESMTP{'8BITMIME'} && $main::Has_8bit_body && !$main::do_conv_8to7) {
+         $btype = ' BODY=8BIT';
+     } else {
+         $btype = '';
+     }
      if ($ESMTP{'SIZE'}) {
  	$msg_size = &message_size($Header, $Body, $part);
  	$rc = &tcp_command(\*SMTPd,
! 	  "MAIL FROM:<$main::Sender> SIZE=$msg_size$btype", '');
      } else {
! 	$rc = &tcp_command(\*SMTPd, "MAIL FROM:<$main::Sender>$btype", '');
      return $rc if ($rc);
      $fail = 0;
diff -cr --new-file ../im-111-/dot.im/Config ./dot.im/Config
*** ../im-111-/dot.im/Config	Tue Mar 23 18:01:38 1999
--- ./dot.im/Config	Fri Mar 26 15:53:12 1999
*** 75,80 ****
--- 75,81 ----
  #MsgDBType=DB			# type of database (DB, NDBM, SDBM)
  ## To call user defined subroutines (relative to ~/.im/)
+ #GetChkSbr=getchk.sbr		# hooks for imget
  #GetSbr=get.sbr			# hooks for imget
  #ScanSbr=scan.sbr		# hooks for imget/imls
diff -cr --new-file ../im-111-/imget.in ./imget.in
*** ../im-111-/imget.in	Tue Mar 23 18:13:02 1999
--- ./imget.in	Fri Mar 26 15:37:08 1999
*** 78,84 ****
      'protokeep;s;UIDL;'=> "Protocol type to use for keeping messages on POP.\n".
  	"\t\t(UIDL, LAST, STATUS, MSGID)\n" .
  	"\t\tTimed out deletion is not supported with LAST.",
-     'ignorepostpet;b;;'=> 'Do not get messages for PostPet (effective w/ POP)',
      'usecl;b;;Obey_CL' => "Use value of Content-Length header for delimitation".
  	".\n\t\t(effective only if source of messages is local).\n" ,
      'count;i;;'        => 'Number of messages to be gotten in a process (NNTP)',
--- 78,83 ----
diff -cr --new-file ../im-111-/imput.in ./imput.in
*** ../im-111-/imput.in	Tue Mar 23 18:13:03 1999
--- ./imput.in	Fri Mar 26 22:22:29 1999
*** 1745,1755 ****
      foreach $q (sort {$a <=> $b} readdir(QUEUEDIR)) {
  	next unless ($q =~ /^\d+$/);
  #	$QUEUE = 'QUEUE';
! 	unless (open(QUEUE, "<$queue_dir/$q")) {
! 	    im_err("can't open $queue_dir/$q\n");
! 	im_notice("processing $queue_dir/$q ...\n");
  	while (<QUEUE>) {
  	    last if (/^$/);
--- 1745,1757 ----
      foreach $q (sort {$a <=> $b} readdir(QUEUEDIR)) {
  	next unless ($q =~ /^\d+$/);
  #	$QUEUE = 'QUEUE';
! 	rename ("$queue_dir/$q", "$queue_dir/$q.wrk");
! 	unless (open(QUEUE, "<$queue_dir/$q.wrk")) {
! 	    im_err("can't open $queue_dir/$q.wrk\n");
! 	    rename ("$queue_dir/$q.wrk", "$queue_dir/$q");
! 	im_notice("processing $queue_dir/$q.wrk ...\n");
  	while (<QUEUE>) {
  	    last if (/^$/);
*** 1780,1796 ****
  	    im_debug("sending message\n") if (&debug('queue'));
  	    $rcode = &send_message($News_flag, $partial_total);
  	    if ($rcode == 0) {
! 		unlink("$queue_dir/$q");
  		im_info("$queue_dir/$q: sent\n");
  	    } elsif ($rcode > 0) {
  		im_info("$queue_dir/$q: preserved\n");
  	    } else {
! 		unlink("$queue_dir/$q");
  		im_warn("$queue_dir/$q: delivery failed\n");
  	} else {
  	    my ($r, $t);
  	    print "Message queued in $queue_dir/$q";
  	    if ($Config_opt ne '') {
  		print " (Config: $Config_opt)\n";
--- 1782,1800 ----
  	    im_debug("sending message\n") if (&debug('queue'));
  	    $rcode = &send_message($News_flag, $partial_total);
  	    if ($rcode == 0) {
! 		unlink("$queue_dir/$q.wrk");
  		im_info("$queue_dir/$q: sent\n");
  	    } elsif ($rcode > 0) {
+ 		rename ("$queue_dir/$q.wrk", "$queue_dir/$q");
  		im_info("$queue_dir/$q: preserved\n");
  	    } else {
! 		unlink("$queue_dir/$q.wrk");
  		im_warn("$queue_dir/$q: delivery failed\n");
  	} else {
  	    my ($r, $t);
+ 	    rename ("$queue_dir/$q.wrk", "$queue_dir/$q");
  	    print "Message queued in $queue_dir/$q";
  	    if ($Config_opt ne '') {
  		print " (Config: $Config_opt)\n";
*** 1858,1863 ****
--- 1862,1868 ----
      $max = 0;
      foreach $q (readdir(QUEUEDIR)) {
+ 	$q =~ s/\.wrk$//;
  	if ($q =~ /^\d+$/) {
  	    $max = $q if ($max < $q);

Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内