[Mew-dist 08709] Re: B-encoded header routine
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
1999年 5月 6日 (木) 13:11:20 JST
From: 小関 吉則 ( KOSEKI Yoshinori) <kose at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 08680] Re: B-encoded header routine
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 10:29:30 +0900
> 現在の Mew では
> From: 小関 吉則 (KOSEKI Yoshinori) <kose at example.com>
> を
> From: =?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCPi40WBsoQiAbJEI1SEInGyhCIA==?=(
> KOSEKI Yoshinori) <kose at example.com>
> としますので decode すると
とりあえずパッチを作りました。勇気ある人は、これを b25 に当てて、いろ
#はっきりいって泥沼。RFC 2047 きらい。
-------------- next part --------------
Index: mew-bq.el
RCS file: /usr/home/kazu/cvsroot/Mew/mew/mew-bq.el,v
retrieving revision 1.54
diff -c -r1.54 mew-bq.el
*** mew-bq.el 1999/02/28 14:57:14 1.54
--- mew-bq.el 1999/05/06 04:11:13
*** 362,379 ****
((equal status 'non-ascii)
(setq status 'non-ascii))
((equal status 'non-ascii-space)
! (mew-header-encode-text (substring str bound (1- i)))
;; non-ascii
! (insert (substring str (1- i) i)) ;; a space
(setq bound i)
(setq status 'ascii))))
;; end of ascii
(defun mew-header-encode-addr (str)
(let* ((len (length str))
(i 0) (bound 0) (status 'space)
! open c I)
;; status space, ascii, non-ascii, non-ascii-space
;; assumptions:
;; <> doesn't contain non-ascii characters.
--- 362,391 ----
((equal status 'non-ascii)
(setq status 'non-ascii))
((equal status 'non-ascii-space)
! (mew-header-encode-text (substring str bound SBOUND))
;; non-ascii
! (insert (substring str SBOUND i)) ;; spaces
(setq bound i)
(setq status 'ascii))))
;; end of ascii
+ (defmacro mew-header-encode-cond2 (opt)
+ (` (cond
+ ((equal status 'ascii)
+ (mew-header-insert-ascii-addr (substring str bound i)))
+ ((equal status 'space)
+ (mew-header-insert-ascii-addr (substring str bound i)))
+ ((equal status 'non-ascii)
+ (mew-header-encode-text (substring str bound i)) (, opt))
+ ((equal status 'non-ascii-space)
+ (mew-header-encode-text (substring str bound SBOUND) (, opt))
+ (insert (substring str SBOUND i))))))
(defun mew-header-encode-addr (str)
(let* ((len (length str))
(i 0) (bound 0) (status 'space)
! SBOUND open c I)
;; status space, ascii, non-ascii, non-ascii-space
;; assumptions:
;; <> doesn't contain non-ascii characters.
*** 406,415 ****
;; end of quote
;; comment
((char-equal c ?\()
! (if (or (equal status 'ascii) (equal status 'space))
! (mew-header-insert-ascii-addr (substring str bound i))
! (mew-header-encode-text (substring str bound i)))
! (insert "(")
(setq i (1+ i))
(setq bound i)
(setq status 'ascii)
--- 418,425 ----
;; end of quote
;; comment
((char-equal c ?\()
! (mew-header-encode-cond2 nil)
! (mew-header-insert-ascii-text "(")
(setq i (1+ i))
(setq bound i)
(setq status 'ascii)
*** 428,439 ****
(error "Comment must be closed in the header. ")))
! (if (equal status 'ascii)
! (mew-header-insert-ascii-addr (substring str bound i))
! (mew-header-encode-text (substring str bound i) 'comment))
(if (equal i len)
! (insert ")")
(setq bound (1+ i)))
(setq status 'space))
;; end of ()
--- 438,447 ----
(error "Comment must be closed in the header. ")))
! (mew-header-encode-cond2 'comment)
(if (equal i len)
! (mew-header-insert-ascii-text ")")
(setq bound (1+ i)))
(setq status 'space))
;; end of ()
*** 445,459 ****
(setq bound i)
(setq status 'space))
((equal status 'non-ascii)
! (setq status 'non-ascii-space))
;; end of white space
;; comma
((char-equal c ?,)
! (cond
! ((or (equal status 'ascii) (equal status 'space))
! (mew-header-insert-ascii-addr (substring str bound i)))
! (t (mew-header-encode-text (substring str bound i))))
(insert ",\n ")
(setq i (1+ i))
(catch 'comma
--- 453,465 ----
(setq bound i)
(setq status 'space))
((equal status 'non-ascii)
! (setq status 'non-ascii-space)
! (setq SBOUND i))
;; end of white space
;; comma
((char-equal c ?,)
! (mew-header-encode-cond2 nil)
(insert ",\n ")
(setq i (1+ i))
(catch 'comma
*** 473,482 ****
;; end of outside cond
(setq i (+ i (mew-charlen c))))
;; end of while
! (cond
! ((or (equal status 'ascii) (equal status 'space))
! (mew-header-insert-ascii-addr (substring str bound i)))
! (t (mew-header-encode-text (substring str bound i))))))
(defun mew-header-encode-text (str &optional comment)
;; `comment' means that we are in RFC822 comment "(...)".
--- 479,485 ----
;; end of outside cond
(setq i (+ i (mew-charlen c))))
;; end of while
! (mew-header-encode-cond2 nil)))
(defun mew-header-encode-text (str &optional comment)
;; `comment' means that we are in RFC822 comment "(...)".
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内