[Mew-dist 09035] imsetup

Teruyuki Morimura terubou at example.com
1999年 5月 27日 (木) 14:52:55 JST


imsetup で POP, IMAP, POP Server, SMTP Server など選択できるようにして


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*** imsetup.in.org	Thu May 27 14:41:17 1999
--- imsetup.in	Thu May 27 14:43:28 1999
*** 44,49 ****
--- 44,54 ----
  my $news = "News";
  my $usecl  = "@im_usecl@";
  my $nosync = "@im_nosync@";
+ my $src = "local";
+ my $auth = "";
+ my ($user, $host) = split(/\@/, $address);
+ my $keep = 0;
+ my $smtpserver = "localhost";
  my ($mhdir, $mhalias, $domain, $nntpservers);
*** 113,118 ****
--- 118,154 ----
      $address = &input_config("What is your E-mail address(es)?", $address);
+     do {
+         $src = &input_config("Which Message source? (local/POP/IMAP)", $src);
+     } while (! ($src =~ /^local$|^pop$|^imap$/i));
+     if ($src =~ /^pop|^imap/i) {
+         if ($src =~ /^pop/i) {
+             $auth = "POP";
+             do {
+                 $auth = &input_config("What is POP Authentication? (POP/APOP/RPOP)", $auth);
+             } while (! ($auth =~ /^pop$|^apop$|^rpop$/i));
+         } else {
+             $auth = "AUTH";
+             do {
+                 $auth = &input_config("What is IMAP Authentication? (AUTH/LOGIN)", $auth);
+             } while (! ($auth =~ /^auth$|^login$/i));
+         }
+         ($user, $host) = split(/\@/, $address);
+         $host = "mail." . $host;
+         $user = &input_config("What is $src Account User Name?", $user);
+         $host = &input_config("What is $src Server Name?", $host);
+     } 
+     $keep = &input_config("Do you want to preserve messages?\n"
+                         . "POP: in days; 0=delete immediately, -1=preserve forever\n"
+                         . "otherwise: 0=delete immediately, non0=preserve forever"
+                         , $keep);
+     if ($src =~ /^pop|^imap/i) { $smtpserver = $host; }
+     $smtpserver = &input_config("What is SMTP Server Name?", $smtpserver);
      $usecl = &input_config("Do you want to use value of Content-Length"
  			   . " header for delimitation for local\nmail?"
  			   . " (Answer yes if your OS supports Content-Length"
*** 336,347 ****
--- 372,393 ----
  #Indent=2			# indent step for threading
  ## Servers
+ Smtpservers=$smtpserver
  #Smtpservers=localhost		# default server for SMTP
  #EmgSmtpSvrs=,localhost	# SMTP server just for error return
  #NntpServers=localhost		# default server for NNTP
  ## imget specific
  #GetSbr=get.sbr			# hook for special processing (rel. to ~/.im/)
+ ---
+         if ($src =~ /^local/i ) {
+             print CONFIG <<"---";
+ Imget.Src=local
+ keep=$keep
+ ---
+         }
+         print CONFIG <<"---";
  #Imget.Src=local		# default source of imget (local mailbox)
  #lock=flock			# locking style of local mailbox
  #rpath=append			# conversion of UNIX From into Return-Path:
*** 352,357 ****
--- 398,412 ----
  UseCL=$usecl			# Use value of Content-Length header
  NoSync=$nosync			# Do not need fsync(2) on writing file
+ ---
+         if ($src =~ /^pop/i) {
+             print CONFIG <<"---";
+ Imget.Src=pop
+ PopAccount=/$auth:$user\@$host
+ keep=$keep
+ ---
+         }
+         print CONFIG <<"---";
  #PopAccount=/APOP\@localhost	# account info for POP access
  #PopAccount=/APOP:user\@host	# account info with user name
*** 361,366 ****
--- 416,430 ----
  #IgnorePostPet=yes		# leave messages for PostPet on mbox (POP only)
+ ---
+         if ($src =~ /^imap/i) {
+             print CONFIG <<"---";
+ Imget.Src=imap
+ ImapAccount=/$auth:$user\@$host
+ keep=$keep
+ ---
+         }
+         print CONFIG <<"---";
  #ImapAccount=/AUTH\@localhost	# account info for IMAP access
  #ImapAccount=/AUTH:user\@host	# account info with user name
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  森村  輝幸  (Teruyuki Morimura)
  E-mail:  terubou at example.com
           morimura at example.com
  PGP fingerprint: 7C 8C C3 A6 40 F7 C6 80  5E AE D6 0C 98 13 65 3C

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