[Mew-dist 11140] Re: +Backup

Christophe TROESTLER ev_galois at example.com
1999年 11月 1日 (月) 14:26:29 JST

On Mon, 01 Nov 1999, SAITO Tetsuya <saito at example.com> wrote:
> You need to change the Form setting in $(HOME)/.im/Config from %A to
> %a.  Though  Mew FAQ (http://www.mew.org/index-j.html,  in Japanese)
> refers to this, I have not translated it into English as yet.  Sorry
> for your inconvenience.

No problem.  But I must be missing something here, I indeed set
	Form=%+5n %m%d %-14a %S || %b
and it  does not  seem to work.   Maybe there  is an other  variable I
should specify to precise which  ones are my email addresses (User and
FromDomain are  set)?  Also, is  there a way  to precise a  `Form' per
folder (maybe passing an option to imls)?


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