[Mew-dist 11514] Re: Emacs でモードラインに Mail の表示
yositake at example.com
1999年 11月 29日 (月) 12:29:21 JST
西南学院大学 の 吉武 です。
|From: nara at example.com
|Subject: [Mew-dist 11510] Re: Emacs でモードラインに Mail の表示
|> 新着なメールをチェックする機構としては利用出来ないですよね?
notify-mail.el を愛用しています。尚,telnet の時だけ使えば十
分なので下記を ~/.emacs (本当は...default.el)に入れています。
;;; setting for RS-232C terminal
(cond ((or (string= (getenv "TERM") "vt100")
(string= (getenv "TERM") "screen"))
(autoload 'notify-mail-filter "notify-mail" "" t)
(autoload 'notify-mail "notify-mail" "" t)
(notify-mail nil)
;; notify-mail.el A funtion to notify the user when new mail arrives.
;; Notification consists of a beep and a minibuffer message.
;;; Copyright (C) 1991 Jeff Norden, JSN3287 at example.com, Tenn Tech Univ,
;;; Cookeville, TN, 38501.
;;; This code free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
;;; any later version.
;;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
(defun notify-mail-filter (&rest dummies)
" A fake filter; should be called periodically to notify user of new
mail when it arrives"
(let* (
(file-attributes (concat rmail-spool-directory
(or (getenv "LOGNAME")
(getenv "USER")
(new-time (nth 5 file-att))
(file-size (nth 7 file-att))
(new0 (nth 0 new-time))
(new1 (nth 1 new-time))
(old0 (nth 0 mailbox-file-time))
(old1 (nth 1 mailbox-file-time)))
(if (and
new0 new1 old0 old1 ;Make sure none of these are nil
(> new0 old0)
(= new0 old0)
(> new1 old1)))
(/= file-size 0))
(message "New mail seems to have arrived")))
;; Set mailbox-file-time to current time, or (0 0) if mailbox doesn't exist
(if (null new-time)
(setq mailbox-file-time '(0 0))
(setq mailbox-file-time new-time))))
(defun notify-mail (arg)
"Arrange to periodically check for new mail and beep if it arrives
If called with an argument, mail notification is turned off"
(interactive "P")
;; Delete current process if any
(boundp 'notify-mail-process)
(processp notify-mail-process)
(delete-process notify-mail-process))
(if (null arg)
(setq mailbox-file-time nil)
(notify-mail-filter) ;Initialize value of notify mail time
(setq notify-mail-process
;; Change the argument to sleep below to adjust how often new
;; mail is checked for.
(start-process "notify-mail" nil
"sh" "-c"
"while true; do sleep 20; echo x; done"))
(set-process-filter notify-mail-process 'notify-mail-filter))))
吉武 春光
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内