[Mew-dist 10803] JustQueuing disabled when error occured ?

Ishikawa Ichiro ichiro at example.com
1999年 10月 6日 (水) 23:19:50 JST


Mew 1.94 と IM130 を使っています。

~/.im/Config で JustQueuing=yes としているのですが、Subject のないメッセー
ジを送信しようとすると、その場で SMTP サーバにつなぎにいってしまいます。

シェルプロンプトから imput を実行してみると以下のようになります。

% imput --verbose --debug --debugflag=all ~/Mail/draft/6
imput: setting debug level all=1
imput:DEBUG: mail alias file /home/ichiro/.im/Addrbook opened
imput: can't open host-aliases file: /home/ichiro/.hostaliases, ignored.
imput: message accepted.
imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: X-Prom-Mew: Prom-Mew 1.93.4 (procmail reader for Mew)

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: X-Prom-Mew: Prom-Mew 1.93.4 (procmail reader for Mew)

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Subject: 

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Subject: 

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: From: Ishikawa Ichiro <ichiro at example.com>

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: From: Ishikawa Ichiro <ichiro at example.com>

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Newsgroups: local.test

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Newsgroups: local.test

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: X-Mailer: Mew version 1.94 on XEmacs 21.1 (Biscayne)

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: X-Mailer: Mew version 1.94 on XEmacs 21.1 (Biscayne)

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Organization: The 39 Steps

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Organization: The 39 Steps

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Fcc: Backup

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Fcc: Backup

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Mime-Version: 1.0

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Mime-Version: 1.0

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=iso-2022-jp

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=iso-2022-jp

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converting: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

imput:DEBUG: Iso2022jp: converted: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

imput:DEBUG: adding header> Message-Id: <19991006230515U.ichiro at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: adding header> Date: 06 Oct 1999 23:05:15 +0900
imput:DEBUG: encoding structured: Ishikawa Ichiro <ichiro at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: encoded structured: Ishikawa Ichiro <ichiro at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: Sender: Ishikawa Ichiro <ichiro at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(in): Ishikawa Ichiro <ichiro at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(out): Ishikawa Ichiro <ichiro at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(in): Ishikawa Ichiro <ichiro at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(out): Ishikawa Ichiro <ichiro at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: adding header> Subject: 
imput:DEBUG: adding header>  ORIGINAL From: Ishikawa Ichiro <ichiro at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(in): Ishikawa Ichiro <ichiro at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(out): Ishikawa Ichiro <ichiro at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(in): Ishikawa Ichiro <ichiro at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: fetch_addr(out): Ishikawa Ichiro <ichiro at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: searching 39steps.org by host alias file.
imput:DEBUG: rewrite: ichiro at example.com => Ishikawa Ichiro <ichiro at example.com>
imput: ERROR: Bad message format (no Subject:).
imput: opening smtp session to smtp18.odn.ne.jp(25).
imput:DEBUG: handle tcp00 allocated.
imput: >>> 220 t-mta4.odn.ne.jp ESMTP server (InterMail vM. 201-229-116) ready Wed, 6 Oct 1999 23:05:17 +0900
imput: <<< EHLO localhost
imput: >>> 250-t-mta4.odn.ne.jp
imput: >>> 250-HELP
imput: >>> 250-XREMOTEQUEUE
imput: >>> 250-ETRN
imput: >>> 250-PIPELINING
imput: >>> 250-DSN
imput: >>> 250 SIZE 10485760
imput: <<< MAIL FROM:<>
imput: >>> 250 Sender <> Ok
imput: <<< RCPT TO:<ichiro at example.com>
imput: >>> 250 Recipient <ichiro at example.com> Ok
imput: <<< DATA
imput: >>> 354 Ok Send data ending with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
imput:DEBUG: entering put_header (original)
imput:DEBUG: |X-Prom-Mew: Prom-Mew 1.93.4 (procmail reader for Mew)
imput:DEBUG: |Subject: 
imput:DEBUG: |From: Ishikawa Ichiro <ichiro at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: |X-Newsgroups: local.test
imput:DEBUG: |X-Mailer: Mew version 1.94 on XEmacs 21.1 (Biscayne)
imput:DEBUG: |Organization: The 39 Steps
imput:DEBUG: |Fcc: Backup
imput:DEBUG: |Mime-Version: 1.0
imput:DEBUG: |Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=iso-2022-jp
imput:DEBUG: |Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
imput:DEBUG: |Message-Id: <19991006230515U.ichiro at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: |Date: 06 Oct 1999 23:05:15 +0900
imput:DEBUG: put_header finished: no error
imput:DEBUG: entering put_body
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: |test.
imput:DEBUG: |--
imput:DEBUG: |石川 一郎  ichiro at example.com
imput:DEBUG: put_body finished: no error
imput: <<< .
imput: >>> 250 Message received: 19991006140518.ZPRI1017.t-mta4.odn.ne.jp at example.com
imput: closing SMTP session.
imput: <<< QUIT
imput: >>> 221 t-mta4.odn.ne.jp ESMTP server closing connection

石川 一郎  ichiro at example.com

Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内