[Mew-dist 12797] Mew 1.95b31

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
2000年 4月 11日 (火) 22:44:21 JST

I have just put mew-1.95b31.tar.gz onto ftp.Mew.org:/pub/Mew/beta.

00changes says:

* Checking existence of a buffer in mew-summary-set-config.
        Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai at example.com>
* C-u X processes all marked messages before the cursor.
* C-u x processes marked messages in the region.
* If mew-use-burst-folder-history is non-nil, mew-burst-last-folder
  is used as a candidate of a burst folder.
* Fixed the bare LF problem for non-Mule Emacs.
* Deleting old X-Mew: for C-cC-p.
* See if a coding-system exists on decoding. (hack for ISO-2022-JP-3)
* "smtp-hello-domain" for mew-config-alist.



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