[Mew-dist 13957] English Mew Discussions
Sven.Hartrumpf at example.com
Sven.Hartrumpf at example.com
2000年 8月 28日 (月) 19:33:58 JST
First of all, I am very impressed by Mew because it's the first
mail mode for Emacs which combines MIME and GnuPG 1.0.2 in a good way.
Thank's a lot.
I have three minor questions:
1. Are there any Mew news groups or mailing list in English?
2. Is there a way to convert vm folders to Mew folders?
3. It might be a good idea to distribute Mew with
the standard tar ball for Emacs and XEmacs in order to
make available the power of MIME plus encryption/signatures.
Are there any plans to do that?
Sven Hartrumpf
PGP public key: http://pi7.fernuni-hagen.de/hartrumpf/pubkey.gpg
PGP key fingerprint: 4929 8889 E864 EF19 2B48 B8ED C73B 5B0F 0B56 9B13
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ファイル名: 無し
型: application/pgp-signature
サイズ: 236 バイト
説明: 無し
URL: <http://www.mew.org/pipermail/mew-dist/attachments/20000828/c991c3d8/attachment.bin>
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